Tuesday Night Open Thread

Old songs are the best.

[The YouTube]

By the way, this song was the first to hit number one on the Billboard chart twice. Billboard started the charts in the summer of 1940. This song hit number one in December of that year and held that spot until knocked off the top for a week in March of 1941, then went back to number one for one more week.

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Tuesday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?


  1. for the first time in a long time I visited IMAO without adblockers. I also use a very secure browser thay doesn’t keep any personal information.

    Much to my surprise all the ads were for Muslim singles and women’s sleepwear.

  2. I’ve found about half of the ads are understandable (sexy women, sexy clothes, sexy sites), and half unfathomable.

    Earn my MSW in two years? Wearing ugly florescent sneakers? While building a cow barn?

    To quote the philosopher Bugs: “They don’t know me very well, do they?”

  3. The Batusi.

    Some horrible person posted this on a different site.

    Captivated, I was also appalled, but felt I must think of a reason to subject others to it as well.

    Please consider it an analogy without apology, then: it’s me watching the evening news — with me being Batman, of course.


  4. Pingback: IMAO: Tuesday Night Open Thread

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