Wednesday Night Open Thread

I knew about this. I first encountered freq-hop communications in the Army, and was fascinated by the concept. And, yes, when I found out it was Hedy Lamarr that invented it, my first thought was “That’s Hedley!”

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Wednesday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

Sauceless Gander

The city of Modesto, California, has denied a request to hold a Straight Pride rally at a park.

Would they give them a permit if they promised to bake wedding cakes?

[title reference link]

If You’ve Watched Enough Bugs Bunny Cartoons, You Probably Already Know a Lot of This

[How does a Grand Piano work? – Part 1] (Viewer #212,742)

If you liked Part 1, here’s Part 2. I liked them both.

[How does a Grand Piano work? – Part 2] (Viewer #120,499)

[title reference link (Rhapsody Rabbit)]

Link of the Day: Also Wrinkles

[High Praise! to The Science Post]

CDC releases new list of vaccine side effects: old age, grey hair, top list

[Think you have a link that’s IMAO-worthy? Send it to If I use your link, you will receive High Praise! (assuming you remember to put your name in the email)]

Ballad by Chris Dissed-Often-Son (Song Parody)

(To the tune of “Me and Bobby McGee” by Kris Kristofferson)
[Reference link]


Lost it in a Manhattan lounge
Verging on insane
Sinking lower than my Nielsen rating
Just as crazy as it sounds
Almost bust a vein
Blaming everybody else for hating

Well I poured my heart out
In four-letter increments
I threatened to throw him down the stairs
Luckily lackey restraint won out
Over lack of sense
The liberal media’s reaction: who cares?

Fredo’s just another word for another lefty loser
Highly entertaining and it’s free
Spouting off was easy, libs come by it naturally
Spouting off is good enough for me
But is it good enough to boost my show on TV?

From the gold mine of nepotism, to the California elite —
Bubba, Hill, and Nancy Pelosi:
Father and brother introduced me to what I’ll never be
A politician like that [redacted] AOC

Then somewhere up near the salad, Lord, I told the punk to get away
Or I’d ruin his [chips] — I’m an important guy!
Well, I’ll be on my show tomorrow and a special guest today,
You know I know Holder and have buddies in the FBI.

Fredo’s just another sign the left has nothing to lose
And a nothin’ — that’s all that it implies
Fredo, take it easy now — sit and read the news,
You’re in it, and that’s good enough for me.
Good enough for Assault and Battery Three.


Trump Truths: Rainbow

President Trump has completely redecorated the White House in rainbow colors. Leftists will be disappointed to discover that it’s because LeVar Burton is stopping by for a visit.

To Be Fair, It’s the Least Harmful Thing They Do

[High Praise! to Turning Point USA]

President Trump Takes First Step To Prevent Mass Shootings By Issuing Executive Order Requiring Crazy, Marginalized Liberals to Go Out And Shoot People Indiscriminately.

We’ll just pause, take a deep breath, consider all our… well, OK, then…

WASHINGTON DC (AP) – Giving in to the relentless pressure swirling around DC to “do something” about mass shootings, President Trump vowed to “take the first step” in preventing new shooting incidents. In an Oval Office ceremony, Mr. Trump signed an Executive Order that requires all crazy, marginalized liberals to go out and start shooting at people.

President Trump explained the order in a morning press briefing.

“I don’t usually go the ‘reverse psychology’ route,” said Trump, “but my instincts tell me this is the only way to go on this. I expect that as soon as word of this order hits the streets, homicidal liberal nutjobs will dig in their heels and refuse to comply by all means open to them, no matter how determined they were previously to cause mayhem and bloodshed. You just watch.”

To a degree that could almost be called “prophetic,” the President’s prediction came true with startling speed. Before the ink was even dry on the EO, a mob of angry leftists started protesting in front of the White House, chanting:

“What do we want?”
“Crazy liberals to be free to not shoot people!
“When do we want it?”
Purple monkey dishwasher!

San Francisco Mayor London Breed – joined by Democrat Mayors from across the nation in a joint press conference – announced that her town would become a “city of refuge for those oppressed by Trump”

“As that dictator in Washington once again raises his fist in oppression to smash the innocent,” said Breed, “we here in the free city of San Francisco will protect anyone who chooses to come here to exercise their constitutional right to not murder anyone, despite what any Executive Orders or compelling demonic head-voices say to the contrary!”

While showing remarkable restraint in not gloating over the success of his Machiavellian scheme, the President did offer a bit of free advice to members of the “#Crazistence”:

“Whatever you do, before you go on your shooting rampage, NEVER peek down the barrel of your gun and then pull the trigger a few times to clear out whatever obstruction keeps you from seeing light out the other end. I know it seems like a smart idea, but it’s just the dumbest thing you can do. Plus, every time someone does that, it becomes more likely I won’t get reelected. So don’t do that.”


< Twitter Rolls Out New Feature That Auto-Posts “Ban Assault Rifles!” From Your Account Any Time a Mass Shooting Hashtag Starts Trending

Straight Line of the Day: The Cause of That Mysterious Explosion in Russia…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

The cause of that mysterious explosion in Russia…

The Illustrated Frank J: Beware the Murder Tubes!

[title reference link]


Random Thoughts: Walmart Guns and Fredo

I heard a story that broke my heart. A family had an agreement with a mother to adopt her child, but the child had a birth diagnose of Down Syndrome and the family dropped out. It was made less sad that I heard this from the family who immediately agreed to adopt the boy.
Having a special needs child isn’t easy, but I pray to God I’m up to the task. I don’t think you can do a greater thing in life than make a child feel loved and wanted.

Apparently a lot of people read the 2nd Amendment as “Now let us take a break from listing individual rights to mumble something about militias. Please ignore.”

Wealth is immoral. Let me be burdened with your sins.

Did people just make up this whole thing about The Hunt being about liberals slaughtering MAGA types? There’s none of that in the trailer. And if that is the premise, the liberals are clearly the bad guys.
Or if the production company spread this rumor, bravo on stealth marketing.

I dream of a world where partisanship is considered as big a moral failing as racism.

We need to stop the white supremacists. We also need to stop the not quite as bad but still awful “whites are in my top three.”
Don’t rank the races, people.

Seems like any law designed to stop a bad person from buying a gun could only ever have a marginal effect even if extremely effective since there’s like 400 millions guns out there already purchased.

Of the things sold at Walmart that kill people, would their guns even make the top ten?

I once bought a gun at Walmart. While living in Florida, got an automated phone call from police that there had been break-ins in the area. So I said to myself, “I should own a shotgun.”
So I went to Walmart and I think it cost $200 for a basic pump action shotgun. I think there would have been a waiting period for a background check or something, but it was waived since I had a concealed carry permit.
I bought a box of shells with it. I still have them all as I’ve never fired the thing. It’s not really something you take to an indoor range, is it?
To me, the great thing about a pump action shotgun is it chambers a round really loudly and everyone knows what that sound is.

I hope my son doesn’t end up as absent minded as me. He’s only stepped on the baby three times so far.

“Whoops. Sorry guys. First day as suicide watch guard. I’ll do better tomorrow.”

I read Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb and it was nothing like the movie.

That’s pretty damning.

I think at this point we’re less angry at the Clintons and more angry at ourselves for not watching them more closely.

I was just thinking: Who are movie novelizations aimed at? People who would rather read than watch a movie but are still are interested in movies?
I remember reading the novelization of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle movie as a kid. Action was not as fun in that.

Been meaning to mention that The Pursuit, a documentary by Emergent Order about
Arthur Brooks and free markets, is now on Netflix. I highly recommend it. It’s an exploration of capitalism and its effect (good and bad) on people around the world.
Arthur Brooks is obviously very pro free markets, but what really impressed me with it was him talking with socialists where he was just listening — going at them with the attitude of what are these people right about. I.e, don’t watch The Pursuit expecting the owning of libs.

A pretty amazing thing about my 3yo is she has a couple stuffed animals she wants at bedtime, but she can always tell me exactly where each one is despite always leaving them in different places. I don’t have that memory.
“Can you get me Woofy and Bun Bun, pweese? Woofy is on the couch in the living room and Bun Bun is on the white table in the kitchen.”
She never knows where her shoes are, though.

We can’t use ethnic slurs against Italians anymore? Then who’s left we can use slurs against? The Irish?

I’m a quarter-Italian. I can call people Fredo; you can’t.

Maybe, just maybe, people aren’t against abortion because of white supremacy or because they want to control women but instead oppose abortion for the extremely obvious reasons.
The reasons people are both for and against abortion are fairly obvious and the reasons people plainly state, and to pretend it is all about something else just shows an uncomfortability with dealing with the actual arguments.

Great news! The Hellbender audio book is going into production and should be ready by around the end of the month. We have a professional with a huge vocal range working on it, so I’m very excited to see how it turns out.
This was the first audio book where I got to listen to auditions and pick the narrator. Thanks for all the support so far; there wasn’t originally going to be an audio book but the book has done really well.

As appalling as Trump is, it seems like one shouldn’t have to sacrifice all his integrity to oppose Trump, but in practice it is apparently very hard.

“Stop the presses! Stop the presses! We’re getting ratioed on Twitter!”
All the news that won’t upset Twitter mobs.

I’m reading a book on gross motor skills for children with Down syndrome and it makes everything from rolling over to crawling to standing seem so complicated I’m not sure how any of our other kids learned how to do any of it.
I guess that’s part of the point, though: These are all extremely complex movements involving lots of subtle balance and other issues that we usually never need to think about. If you have to break it down step by step, it’s complicated.

What Ain’t There Won’t Hurt Us

Beef burgers have been banned by a London university as part of efforts to stop climate change.

Well, I will admit that having a university become increasingly unpopular until it goes bankrupt WILL shrink its carbon footprint.