Not Sure Why This Movie Has a Fan Base

[The Hunger Games Pitch Meeting] (Viewer #570,463)

Why would anyone make a movie about murderous children? There are no words for how sick and wrong even the basic concept of it is.


  1. Pingback: John Jason Fallows » Blog Archive IMAO August 31, 2019 at 03:19PM - John Jason Fallows

  2. Battle Royale, Battle Royale II (Japenese film similar to Hunger Games) Battle Royale became a cultural phenomenon, and has been highly influential in global popular culture. Since the film’s release, the term “battle royale” has been redefined to refer to a fictional narrative genre and/or mode of entertainment inspired by the film, where a select group of people are instructed to kill each other off until there is a triumphant survivor. It has inspired numerous media, including films, manga, anime, comics, visual novels, and video games; the battle royale game genre, for example, is named after the film. (yes, the kids in Battle Royale are teens also, junior high school age in Japan)

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