Straight Line of the Day: Coming Soon to Netflix – a New Series About a Politician Who…

Works like this: I feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit me with a punch line in the comments.

Coming soon to Netflix – a new series about a politician who…


  1. … was a poor mutineer — barely kept his family fed
    And then one day he was giving a live feed
    When up from his depths came a-bubbling greed.

    Snake oil that is,
    Black Reparations. Taxes. Free.

    Well, the next thing you know he’s friends with millionaires
    His handlers said “Jeb also got his share.”
    Said “California’s the place you want to be.
    It’s Universal — get a slot on NBC.”

    Shills, that is.
    Sinning pols. Movie stars.

  2. Coming soon to Netflix – a new series about a politician who…

    Despite coming from humble origins (might be Kenya) who did not live in the US for most of his childhood, who faked his way through Columbia and Harvard finally got his chance to be the ‘Change America Needs’…..Lowering the rise of the oceans and giving us clean air to breathe….

    Hey, this is produced by Barack and Mooshell Obama and his vanity and ego are about as large as it gets…….What else would we expect????

  3. “… was asked to leave her place of residence. That request came from her brother.
    With no other country willing to take her, she arrived at the apartment of her friend Sandy, to explain how a garbage disposal works.
    For several years Sandy, too, had made illegal payments to a boyfriend.
    Can two disgraced politicians pipe down and stop driving the rest of us crazy?”

    — The Squad Couple

  4. Coming soon to Netflix – a new series about a politician who…can’t tell a lie because his nose grows in length whenever he does. Thus he is forced by his strange affliction (Pinocchio Syndrome) to always tell the truth and can never make wild promises that he knows can’t be kept. The series will cover his entire political career of honesty and truth so it’s only one episode long.

  5. …was once named Barack, and after the op, is a single white female her kids still call Pop.

    …who goes back in time to kill the student body president who supplied the shoe polish that was to be used in a skit.

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