IMAO Time Machine: A Ducky Editorial: It’s Called Crackerbarrel For a Reason!

Right Wing Duck wrote this in 2006. — The Editors

I don’t often eat at Crackerbarrel, mostly because I don’t know what it is. However, if the name is any indication, i assume it’s some sort of gathering place for white people.

Personally, I was surprised to hear that Chris Rock’s mother is suing the people at Crackerbarrel for discrimination. What WERE YOU EXPECTNG!!??! It’s called CRACKER barrel. If you ain’t a cracker you have no business being there.

The other day, my friends and I were having dinner at the Bean Factory. That’s a Mexicans-only place where my friends and I like to hang out and look out the window and count the honkies. Here in Los Angeles we have a few of them, but not many. Anyway, when the burritos and tequila ( a Mexican drink) arrived, we started talking about this. The consensus was – Mrs. Rock – Quit hanging out at the WhiteyBarrel or Crackerjar or whatever it’s called.

Sometimes we feel sorry for whitey. It’s getting to the point where they have no place to go – so they resort to golf clubs with full amenities and expensive gated communities. But what about those whiteys who aren’t so well-to-do? Sure, they have their trailer parks but where should they eat?

That’s right. Crackerbarrel.

So I say Let’s let Whitey Have a Place to Hangout, drink a beer, and boss around the Mexican help.

Let’s hear your opinions in the Comments Section.


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