Friday Night Open Thread

I love Weird Al.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s Friday Night Open Thread.

What’s on your mind?

IMAO Time Machine: Don’t Call Them The Democrat Party

Spacemonkey penned this in 2006. — The Editors

I heard on Rush Limbaugh yesterday that some of the Democrats are bent out of shape because some people, Rush and Bush included, call their party the Democrat Party instead of the Democratic Party. I know I do this.

I guess they want at least the idea of Democracy to be somewhat associated with them. Sell the sizzle, not the steak and all that.

But is it very democratic to dictate to others what you would have them call you? Oh, I think not. Dictatorly, that’s what it is.

But, since they want to be all democratic-like, what to call them should be decided in a democratical way.

By a vote. And vote we will. Now taking nominations. No profanity please.

What would be a good democratically chosen name for the party with the big smelly ass for a mascot?

So Very Well Expressed

The Democrats Face the Bayonets
American | December 6, 2019 | Eric Gorgatos

. . .

Observers of publicly reported facts are also fairly confident that even with the limitations of IG authority (can’t convene a grand jury; can’t interview non-employees of the affected agencies; and in Horowitz’ particular case, can’t interview former CIA Director John Brennan), and even with the swampish, under-stated style of Horowitz himself, there will still be in Horowitz’ report enough documented, egregious abuse to connect the dots more powerfully than ever before: the Obama administration orchestrated sabotage against the campaign of a duly nominated presidential candidate, and orchestrated a coup against a duly elected President of the United States of America. 

And the word ‘orchestrated’ in this context includes the fabrication of evidence and the deliberate leaking by top officials of confidential information to harm Donald Trump.  It is behavior the vast majority of Americans have never thought their government officials to be capable of; it is deceit and dishonesty on a nearly unimaginable scale; it is unconscionable evil. 

Please Be Sure To Enunciate

Amazon Launches “Transcribe Medical” for Doctors To Dictate Speech to Text / Dec. 4, 2019

I knew it! Doctors will become dictators!

The service was trained to understand the terminology and style of clinical language, said Amazon, as it was “built for medical language using state of the art machine learning models. This means that a statement like ‘patient suffered a plantar fibroma’ will be captured accurately.”

Um . . . but still, Doc, be sure to proofread, OK? “Erectile dysfunction” can sound an awful lot like “a rectal dysfunction.”

Never, ever use the words “imputation.” Or “cast straight.”

And as for recommending “End-of-Life Support” . . . well, just don’t say it.

Rhyme or Reason

“The public?
“The public!
“You keep bleating ‘the public’!
“What are the public for?
“Don’t be a bore; just show them the door;
“Cease repeating ‘the public’!
“Re-‘public’ no more!”

The literati agree
The glitterati are free
To do all which all would abhor.

But the bitterati vote.
(A term you may quote —
For it cuts very nearly to the core):

Rough voters, these,
Tough to appease.
Their dis-ease is worse than the cure.

How Do Averages Work?

Every winter is proclaimed the coldest on record, and every summer the hottest on record. Shouldn’t yearly temperatures be trending sort of average?

My Ship Has Come In!

An actual email I just got:

760 United Nations Plaza,
New York, New York 10017,
United States
Tel.(212) 963 4409

How are you today? Hope all is well with you and your family. You cannot understand why this email came to you. We had a meeting for a month which ended last week with the United Nations Board of Trustees.

This email to you. Have you been scammed in any part of the world today? The United Nations have agreed to compensate you with the sum of US$2, 850.000.00 (Two Million, Eight Hundred and Fifty Thousand U.S. Dollars Only) So you have to indicate the amount lost in the hands of fraudster, and also use the remaining balance as a contribution to promote commercial, economic, poverty eradication and social development of your community.

This includes all payments to foreign contractors, inheritance and Lottery who have not received their Lottery / Inheritance payment, and people that have had an unfinished transaction or international Lottery payment that failed due to government problems, etc.

You are advised to contact Mrs. Evelyn Anita, which is responsible for the payment of compensation through our payment center in United State Of America who is our representative, contact her immediately for your U.N. compensation of US$2,850.000.00.

Contact Mrs. Evelyn Anita immediately for your compensation payment as soon as you receive this message today, you must send your full name and phone number and your correct mailing address along with this reference number: Ref: UNCPUS/NSA/850, very important.

Hoping to hear from you as soon as you receive the compensation funds.

Contact Person: Mrs. Evelyn Anita

Best regards,

Mr. Antonio Guterres
United Nations Secretary General


Straight Line of the Day: Classic Song Lyrics Revised for the PC Crowd Include …

Straight Line of the Day: Classic song lyrics revised for the PC crowd include …

The Philosophical Zzyzx: I Think FrankJ Keeps Making This Point, Too

Per zzyzx:

Ideology: the mistaken belief that your beliefs are neither beliefs nor mistaken.

The Illustrated Walrus: Oz

Created by Walruskkkch:


When I post early morning items with historical connections, they’re usually things that happened a long time ago. Not today.

It was two years ago that President Trump announced the recognition of Jerusalem as capital of Israel.

[The YouTube]

History isn’t always things that happened a long time ago. Sometimes they’re things that are a long time coming.