Thursday Night Open Thread

We hope your Christmas was a good one.

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Thursday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

IMAO Time Machine: The United Nation’s FAQ

Right Wing Duck posted this in 2005. — The Editors

According to Michelle Malkin’s recent post, the United Nations has not been very open in telling the public how the Tsunami Funds are being used.

Normally, I agree with Michelle on a lot of things, but in this case IMAO has once again trumped a real world “journalist”

By going to the United Nations FAQ I was able to get the answers that Michelle was too lazy (probably because she works 60 hours a week) to get on her own.

United Nations FAQ

Q: Can I really get information from the UN detailing how our hard earned money was spend on those poor victims of the tsunami?

A: Of course, the United Nations is committed to ensuring complete transparency. We do not even want to give the appearance of anything inappropriate. Our books are wide open for the general public to view.

Q: That’s great. I love the UN. So, how was my donation spent?

A: None of your damn business.

Q: Pardon me?

A: Our apologies. Sometimes we spend so much time around here just keeping track of the kids we sometimes get a short temper. Hold on, on second: KOJO — YOU GET THAT MERCEDES BENZ OUT OF THE HANDICAPPED PARKING. YOU KNOW THAT’S RESERVED FOR POOR, INJURED PALESTINIANS. Thank you for your patience. What was your question?

Q: I donated a lot of money for the victims of the tsunami. How was it spent?

A.: None of your damn business.

Q:Are you sure that you’re using that money to benefit the victims.

A: Well, it depends on how you define “victim”. Besides, we’re pretty sure it’s doing some good, wherever that money is going.

Q: Are you telling me that nobody there knows what’s going on?

A: I think we have an accountant somewhere. We’ll have to ask one of the interpreters.

Q: You don’t know? Do you understand the meaning of the word HONESTY?

A: We’ll have to ask one of the interpreters.

Q: Besides the money, what else have you done in the areas ravaged by the tsunami?

A.We like it when people change the subject. We’ve done a lot of good in these areas. For example, in Thailand, with the help of the generous donations by Americans, we’ve been able to establish centers that not only help feed the poor — but helps them defend themselves against evil influences.

Q: What evil influences are those?

A: Americans.

Q: What do you mean evil? We gave you tons and tons of money.

A: That has yet to be proven! Can you show us where all of this alleged money is?

Q: Yes, we gave you craploads of money. You should have record of it in your accounting department. Ask THEM, they’ll tell you.

A. I’m sorry. That department is none of your damn business.

Thanks for visiting the UN webpage. Make sure you stop by the donation page. Every dollar makes a difference.

Straight Line of the Day: Best Holiday Memories: …

Straight Line of the Day: Best holiday memories: …

The Illustrated Walrus: He’s Not Going Away

Submitted by Walruskkkch:


‘Tis The Day After Christmas…

I thought about doing a rhyme, I really did. But then I made the mistake of going on Facebook. Never go on Facebook, particularly if you’re in a good mood. Facebook takes that as a challenge, and usually rises to meet the challenge, then beat your good mood into the ground, stomp on it, urinate a couple of times on the corpse of your good mood, then walk away whistling.

I saw a Facebook news article by one of the local TV stations about the President and First Lady offering a Christmas wish: “The President and first lady delivered their end-of-year Christmas message wishing for peace among nations.”

So, what’s the problem? Idiots on Facebook is the problem.

Let me state up front that I did not like — check that, could not stand — Barack Obama. Still don’t like him. I think he’s an awful person. But, and you can verify this yourself, I re-posted holiday or other greetings from him during his time in office, just as I’ve done with President Trump and like I did with President Bush. I didn’t have a problem with Barack Obama offering a Thanksgiving wish. But apparently, Donald Trump delivering a message wishing for peace among nations is a step too far for some people.

Not all hate, as you can tell, but the comment section of that news post has a lot of hate in it. Some people hate Donald Trump so much that they can’t even let a Christmas wish for peace on Earth go without criticizing him.

Honestly, friends, I wanted to start the day with something funny, and I see stuff like this.

We need to bring back some good old-fashioned Frank J. style Hippie Punching. And I think the definition of a hippie should include anyone with Trump Derangement Syndrome.

I didn’t want the morning to start with a bitch session, and I feel bad about posting this. I really do. So, let’s all go punch a hippie — heck, punch several — and make the day better. It’s what Frank J. would want.