Monday Night Open Thread

I shared this a couple of years ago. I saw a video the other day that reminded me of it. I’ll tell you about that other video later. Anyway, that’s what put this song on my mind.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s Monday Night Open Thread.

What’s on your mind?

Promoted Comment — Windbag (From Saturday)

This comment seems to sum it up well:

Per Windbag, on Democratic candidates:

If you take what they say at face value, there isn’t much difference between them. Speculating as to what they’ll actually do…Biden or Hillary would probably do the least damage. They both want a return to the good ol’ days, when you could ply your trade of graft and corruption. The system that maximizes profit for that business model is good ol’ fashioned crony capitalism.

If Biden snags the nomination, he’ll backpedal every far left promise he made immediately. He can always claim that his meds were off and that he doesn’t even remember promising free pony rides for transgendered puppies and who would doubt it? Hillary never promised that crap to begin with, so no walk back necessary. The rest of the pack all want to lunge leftward as far as possible.

But, picking which Dem you’d want to see elected is like picking which cancer you want your grandmother to have, when you also have the option of cancer-free.

Indy Scission

My pup and I have been getting along famously:


But now Walrus wants me to adopt a cat, claiming “there is nothing to fear from cats!”


Straight Line of the Day: Democrats Really Don’t Want Trump Nominating Another Supreme Court Justice. He Should Nominate…

Straight Line of the Day: Democrats Really Don’t Want Trump Nominating Another Supreme Court Justice. He Should Nominate…

When you think it through

You need to really think it through.

Or do we do the forgive thing again in 4 years?

Congratulations, Dallas Texans

The Dallas Texans won the pro football cup or something last night. It was only the second time since 2014 that the Boston Patriots didn’t represent the AFL in the game. The Dallas Texans beat the AAFC representative San Francisco 49ers last night, according to newsreel reports.

It was the Dallas Texans fourth pro football league championship, after beating the Houston Oilers in 1962, the Buffalo Bills in 1966, and the Oakland Raiders in 1969.

They played the game in Florida because neither team was able to host it, I think. Dallas lost the lease on their stadium a few years back, and have been having to travel to Kansas or somewhere to play their games. And of course, no one wants to play in San Francisco, so Florida it was.

Congratulations to the pro football cup champs, Dallas Texans!