Tuesday Night Open Thread

Old songs are the best. This one spent seven weeks atop the charts in March & April 1944.

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Tuesday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

I heard she’s from South Korea

Also quite talented.

She’s very, very, very good.


“Attention, All Units: Be On The Lookout For Male Caucusians . . . “

” . . . wanted on no count . . . ”

Straight Line of the Day: Sneak Previews of the State of the Union Address Include…

Straight Line of the Day: Sneak Previews of the State of the Union Address Include…

There’s a word for that: What we really think of you

As impeachment draws to a close and we return to our usual contempt for our elected leaders here is a useful word for you all.

Courtesy of the Library cat. Use it wisely.


Applied contemptuously to persons.

1794 Har’st Rig lxix. 23 A’ Sutor, Most manfully about does lay; A tough auld f—t—r.
1808 J. Mayne Siller Gun (new ed.) iii. 67 Th’ astonish’d Taylor..swearing he was better stuff Than sick a fouter.
1834 F. Marryat Peter Simple II. i. 3 O’Brien declared that he was a liar, and a cowardly foutre.

Vowel Movement

I mentioned last night that something reminded me of an old song. I also said I’d tell you about it later.

It’s later. And this is the video that reminded me of that song.

[The YouTube]

Any day you learn something is a good day. When I saw this, I had a good day.

Now you go have a good day too.