Wednesday Night Open Thread

Some artists only have one really big hit. Soul Survivors had a million seller in 1967, but were never able to match the success with any follow-up records. Most of them went back to regular jobs after the music career played out: house painter, body shop mechanic, landscaper, restaurateur. Such is the life of a musician.

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Wednesday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

Kitty gonna kitty

Even the really, really big ones.

I rate this…


Feeling The Least Bit Manipulated?

We’ve all reacted to this tear-jerking photo:

No one questions her plight.

But can’t you just picture Demmy McPulitzer shoving enough kids around her to get just the right composition?

Need a third kid!

Please Help Me Out, Here

I’m pretty sure I’m going to hate myself for captioning this photo:

“Joseph Biden and Granddaughter Issue Press Release Decrying Irresponsible Reporting on Their Kiss”

I could lessen the creepiness factor by changing it to:

“Hunter Biden Meets With New Female Friend To Discuss Alimony, Burisma, and Sisters-In-Law In General”

Jeez, I’m not getting out of this.

Anyone else have any ideas for a caption? They’ve got to be better.

Submitted For Your Approval: One Art Capturing Another

Moon Nukers seem to be uncommonly musical.

Or, they “trend musical” — for those who trend trendy.

I lean more towards the visual; but if one photograph ever possessed the power to capture the essence of music, this is the one:


Wow! I can’t decide whether that’s a more beautiful photographic performance, or a more beautiful musical performance. Both, I think.

The caption is:

Portrait of Billie Holiday, Downbeat, New York, N.Y., ca. Feb. 1947

Submitted For Your Approval – Slapout vs. 2 Commies

Submitted by Slapout:

Straight Line of the Day: Tennessee’s Considering a Bill That Would Label CNN and The Washington Post Fake News Sources. Similarly, …

Straight Line of the Day: Tennessee’s considering a bill that would label CNN and the Washington Post fake news sources. Similarly, …

“BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that we condemn them for denigrating our citizens and implying that they are weak-minded followers instead of people exercising their rights that our veterans paid for with their blood,” it concludes.

A former Marine who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Van Huss has represented Tennessee’s 6th district in the state’s legislature since 2013.

“I remember when the news was informative and honest,” Van Huss told the Daily Caller, explaining that he filed the bill on behalf of his constituents. “CNN continues to divide this country in an era of significant political polarization.”

Tennessee State Rep Submits Bill To Officially Categorize CNN, WaPo As ‘Fake News’
dailycaller | January 29, 2020

Random Thoughts: Rush Limbaugh and Impeachment

If I had a billion dollars, I’d invest it. Think of how much money I could have in twenty years.

So did some people watch The Joker and were like, “He deserves his bad treatment because he’s a white male!”?

One thing we’ve gotten a kick out of while watching Legion are the horoscope-vague episode descriptions on Hulu.
“David faces a new challenge.”

If they don’t call witnesses, that could ruin everyone’s faith in this impeachment trial that no one is paying attention to.

Sure, F9 looks dumb, but it better be extra super dumb if we don’t get the Rock in this one.

So far impeachment has gone even better than I thought it would.

It’s not conservative to be ultra-conservative. How can you be a conservative if you’re not even conservative in how conservative you are?

I’m seriously considering buying that $350 Baby Yoda. What magic spell is that Baby Yoda casting over everyone?

Political debates should just be billionaires pelting each other in the face with waded up balls made from hundred dollar bills.

I trust Mitt Romney about as far as I can throw him, but that’s still more than I trust most politicians.
I can throw politicians quite far because I’m very strong.

Winchester is sick so I sat him my lap and soothed him by reading him Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations. Mixed results.

In The Wealth Of Nations, Adam Smith keeps using “shew” instead of “show.” Old timey people are cute.

Thanks to the sliding timescale of The Simpsons, Homer is almost a Millennial.

Trump is pretty awful unless you compare him to other politicians.

So the lessons of The Good Place seemed to be the limits of human intelligence on enacting justice and creating paradise.
Plus I would hope most adults would know that being able to get whatever you want is a bad proposition. We always want lots of things, but we’re bad at understanding what we need. Plus, how much duller would life be if it were limited to my imagination?

It was weird to see a song from Kanye’s Christian album used for a Fast and Furious 9 trailer.
Well, they do all often sit down and pray at the end of the movie.

“Scorcese, we want you for our Coca-Cola ad. We’ll pay you $100.”
“I have integrity. You can’t buy that.”
“We know, what you’re doing, Scorcese, but we’re not going to pay you $200. That’s too much.”
“I wouldn’t give away my integrity for any dollar amount.”

If I wrote an ad, it would be the greatest, funniest ad ever, but no one can afford me. I’m not selling out for Scorcese-level money.

I’m trying to explain to my daughter how much feminist cred it would get me if she let me teach her how to code. Fine. Whatever. Play princess dress up, you dinosaur.

“Ha ha. Stupid Donnie Trump.”
turns to SarahK
“So where is Kansas City?”

Now I’m really confused. So what state is New York City in?

We’ve started Legion season 2. I hope it stays Twin Peaks season 1 weird and doesn’t go Twin Peaks season 2 weird.
For the first episode of season 2, I was hoping it would go “Previously on Legion…” and just show an abstract painting.

If you can’t disagree with people without hating them, that’s a good indication you’re the one with horrible political views.

The only question in the impeachment was how long would it take to get to the end we all knew it would have.

To be concerned citizens, my wife and I participated in the Idaho Republican caucus in 2012. We ended up voting for Romney as we realized it was the quickest way to get the thing over with.
The main thing I remember about the caucus is a guy in front of us taught my 1yo daughter how to high-five — a skill she can still do to this day!
Though I just asked her to do it and she left me hanging.

Much of the comedy of the left is how many of them are obvious sociopaths yet they do all this performative caring about “oppressed groups” or “kids in cages” that’s convincing to no one except their fellow sociopaths.
There are people on the left who legitimately care about others, but they’re not the ones steering the ship right now.
But this is the trick grifters on the right and left have learned: Hate is much easier way to build up political power — the kind that screams and demands to be noticed — than love. Embrace the Dark Side!

I was like a natural left-winger (‘Why can’t we just get rid of all the guns?”) as a kid and then I heard Rush and was fascinated because these were issues I hadn’t even considered there was an alternate view to. I then read his book and became a very annoying teen conservative.
I’ve mellowed since then and am trying to be a vegan when it comes to political red meat, but he will always be a part of my journey and I will pray for him in this challenge he faces.
I’ve always found the people who get really outraged by Rush to be a bit like people who go to see a stand up comedian and take everything he says extremely seriously.
“Who is this idiot proposing we make the entire plane out of the black box? That would kill hundreds!”
Well, if there’s one thing I’ve learned about politics, is that people like to be angry.

Of course people shouldn’t dress or behave like that in public and only a weirdo would think otherwise, but I’ve long resigned to the fact that weirdoes run the entertainment industry that I didn’t think the Super Bowl Halftime show was worth remarking on.
This was the first Super Bowl I showed my kids. I figured there would be inappropriate content, but they’re going to see it sometime. They mostly didn’t pay attention, though.

“We are the Democrats, the party of the future — the party of Science! Now stand in awe of our advanced technology as we release an app that counts things!”

Caption this! Once a Commie…

… always a commie. Have at it my friends.

Bonus points if you can make him sound like Gilbert Gottfried.

Iowa Stubborn

With apologies to no one (although the late Meredith Willson might not care for this)…

Oh, there’s nothing to say
About the Iowa way to caucus,
When we caucus
Which we can’t get right at all.

There’s an Iowa kind of special
Chip and software attitude.
We’ve never been without.
That we recall.

We can be down
As your falling poll numbers in the backrooms
If you ask to get the vote results on time.
And we’re so by God stubborn
We won’t admit that there’s a problem
For a week or more.
Want the results? You can kiss our ass.

But what the heck, we’ll tell ya,
What we think we want to tell ya
You can throw a fit
But really keep it to yourself.
You really shoulda give Iowa a pass.

But we’ll give you a kick
And a smack to go with it
If your polls should happen to crash.

So, what the heck, you’re welcome,
Glad to have you with us.
Even though you may not ever want to come again.

You really ought to give Iowa
Hawkeye Iowa

Ought to give Iowa a pass!