Orson Bean

Orson Bean Dead at 91, Struck and Killed by Car
TMZ | Feb. 8, 2020

Actor and comedian Orson Bean is dead after being struck by a car while crossing the street … TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ Bean was allegedly jaywalking in Venice Friday night when he was clipped by one vehicle and then struck by another.

We’re told Bean died at the scene and both vehicles stayed after the incident. Cops are currently investigating whether the collision was criminal or an accident.

A comment at the site:


ANDREW BREITBART: *from Righteous Indignation

One day I asked [my father-in-law Orson Bean] why he had Rush Limbaugh’s book The Way Things Ought to Be on his shelf.

I asked him, “Why would you have a book by this guy?”

And Orson said, “Have you ever listened to him?”

I said yes, of course, even though I never had. I was convinced to the core of my being that Rush Limbaugh was a Nazi, anti-black, anti-Jewish, and anti–all things decent.

Without berating me for disagreeing with him, Orson simply suggested that I listen to him again.

While I was listening to Jim Rome and Howard Stern, the intensity of the 1992 election cycle warranted that I switch the frequency over to hearing about the horse race.

This is where my rendezvous with destiny begins. 
I turned on KFI 640 AM to listen to evil personified from 9 a.m. to noon. Indeed, my goal was to derive pleasure from the degree of evil I found in Rush Limbaugh. I was looking forward to a jovial discussion with Orson to confirm how right I was.

One hour turned into three. One listening session into a week’s worth. And next thing I knew, I was starting to doubt my preprogrammed self. I was still a Democrat. I was still a liberal.

But after listening for months while putting thousands of miles on my car, I couldn’t believe that I once thought this man was a Nazi or anything close. While I couldn’t yet accept the premise that he was speaking my language, I marveled at how he could take a breaking news story and offer an entertaining and clear analysis that was like nothing I had ever seen on television, especially the Sunday morning shows, which had been my previous one-stop shop for my political opinions.


[When you’ve lost The Hill . . . ]

Buttigieg Campaign Mocked for Adding Applause to CNN Town Hall Clip
The Hill | 2/8/20 | Joe Concha

Former Mayor Pete Buttigieg’s campaign was mocked Friday for editing a clip from a CNN town hall that included inserting fake applause after a remark made by the 38-year-old presidential candidate.

“To me, that is not just a concern for our generation, it’s a concern that calls on us to build an alliance among generations to try to make sure that the future really is better than the past,” Buttigieg, the former mayor of South Bend, Ind., said in answering a question from an audience member in New Hampshire.

In the live CNN event on Thursday night, Buttigieg’s answer did not compel the audience at Saint Anselm College to break into applause.

But in a clip shared by the campaign on social media, applause was added.

THE PRESIDENT: I love the state of Iowa. We just did very well in Iowa, by the way. We set a record, but nobody talks about that. What they do talk about — the fact is the Democrats don’t know what the hell they’re doing. (Laughter and applause.) It’s true.

Mark just got back. You know, I’m watching — because you have to see these campaigns. You know, they’ll spend $20-, $25 million, let’s say, on average — but it’s really more than that. And they go out, they work, and they work. They’ve been campaigning there for weeks.

They even had to leave the impeachment hearing. (Laughter.) I said, “Keep them here. You’ll get a real fast settlement.” But they couldn’t do it. (Laughter.)

But, they go out and they work and they spend tens — I mean, just millions — hundreds of millions of dollars. And the only thing they didn’t check: to see whether or not the app worked. (Laughter.) It didn’t; it fried all votes. They’re all fried.

So now you have about — (applause) — now you have all these people fighting. “And I was first.” “No, I was first.” They’re taking samples. They’re doing the vote by sample. “We got 2 percent of the vote. Let’s see who won.” (Laughter.)

And it turned out to be Pete Buttigieg, whoever the hell that is. Mayor Pete.
(Laughter.) Mayor Pete. (Applause.) Explain that one to me. Someday you’re going — you’re going to explain that one to me, right? (Laughter.) Right? You. You people. (Laughter.)

No, did you ever see anything so crazy? They can’t count simple votes, but they want to fix your healthcare system. (Laughter.) No, think of it.

Rock On, Space Force!

Soyuz MS-13 Landing
SciNews | February 7, 2020

The Soyuz MS-13 spacecraft landed in Kazakhstan on 6 February 2020, at 09:12 UTC (15:12 local time), with NASA astronaut Christina Koch, ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano and cosmonaut Alexander Skvortsov of Roscosmos.

In Masanchi, Kazakhstan Unknown Assailants Seized and Ransacked the Town
News Front | February 8, 2020

In Kazakhstan in the settlement Masanchi unknown people opened fire on residents.

The police said that the situation is under control, however, according to the head of the Association of Dungans of Kazakhstan Husain Daurov, the situation in Masanchi is not under control, and the law enforecement can not take anything.

However, the Chairman of the Association of Dungans of Kazakhstan noted that people awaiting the arrival of federal law enforcement officers, and in the meantime the situation is heating up.

“Somewhere more than 10 households now burning, no fire engines in sight. There is a massive fight. Not just a brawl, people arrived from neighboring towns and firing weapons into residents” said Daurov.

I Didn’t Know Socialists Embraced a Capitalist Medium, But OK

… and I don’t want to drive traffic to a socialist website, but I couldn’t pass up this gem:

Hillary Clinton Launches New Attack on Sanders
World Socialist, Published by the International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI)
Barry Grey (Heh! Pseudonym?)

8 February 2020 (date spelled out all Europeany and stuff)

“The lead role in attacking Sanders from the right has been given to the Democrats’ defeated 2016 presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton.”

“From the right”??!

Your college tuition at work …

I Like How They Carefully Phrase It So She Appears To Be The One Under Fire

Ilhan Omar Under Fire for Saying Benefits of G.I. Bill Should Be Applied “To Everybody”
The Washington Times | February 7, 2020 | Douglas Ernst

“Imagine what it would do for our country and those who live here if we were to take the ethos behind the original G.I. Bill and apply it to everybody — canceling all student debt and making public colleges, universities, and vocational schools tuition-free,”
she tweeted Thursday.

By logical extension, she also feels that attacks from Muslims should apply to everyone. (Did she marry the guy who made that suggestion?)

Likewise, everyone should live in government barracks, get free meals, and travel on government transport at the government’s discretion under government orders…

Expletives deleted.

Just an All-Round Entertainer

Remarks by President Trump at the North Carolina Opportunity Now Summit
Charlotte, NC | whitehouse.gov | February 7, 2020


A man who has, without question, the greatest name in politics. I said, “If I had his name, I would have been President at least 10 years sooner.” Patrick McHenry. (Applause.) Right? Best name in politics.

And a man whose son I probably like even more than him. (Laughter.) Alan. What a job Alan has done. Joe Wilson is tough and smart and he is there all the time. (Applause.) And his son is just like him. His son is better than him, I think. Right? And he doesn’t mind. You know, I have a lot of fathers that they don’t like it when I say that. I’ve had some: “Please don’t say that my son is better.” I say, “You’re not a good father.” (Laughter.) He’s a great father and he’s proud of his son. His son is fantastic and he’s fantastic. And thank you very much. Thanks, Joe.

Somebody said, “How are you doing?” I said, “We’re one point down everywhere.” (Laughter.) But we’re way up. That’s what they tell me. Way up in North Carolina. Way up in South Carolina. Way, way up in South Carolina, Ralph. (Applause.) Huh? Way, way up.

So, anyway — so we just assume — that’s always good. I always say, “Pretend you’re one point down.” That way you work your ass off, right? (Laughter.) We have to do that because this is the most important election coming up.

But you see what’s going on. You see what’s happening on the other side. They want to take everything away. They want to destroy everything we’ve built. We’ve got the most successful country in our history. They want to take it away. Not going to happen. It’s not going to happen. (Applause.)

As I said in my State of the Union Address earlier this week, our nation is in the midst of the single greatest comeback that we’ve ever had. This is a comeback. We were doing poorly.

You know, if you remember, it goes all the way back — for years, I heard that China will take over as the largest economy in the world in 2019. I kept hearing that. I hated it because I said, “If I run, 2019 is not so far away.” We are so far ahead. We are so far ahead now. (Applause.) We became a rocket ship, taking in billions and billions and billions in tariffs, giving a lot of it to our farmers and different people that were targeted.

Now we have a deal with China. I just spoke to President Xi last night, and, you know, we’re working on the — the problem, the virus. It’s a — it’s a very tough situation. But I think he’s going to handle it. I think he’s handled it really well. We’re helping wherever we can.

But we have a great relationship. It’s incredible. They respect us again. They didn’t even respect us. What they were doing to us — they didn’t even respect us. (Applause.) They respect us again and we respect them.

And we think — I think we have the best relationship we’ve had with China. But it’s really incredible. So we signed the deal. We signed the Mexico deal and Canada deal — USMCA. Signed a deal with Japan — $40 billion coming in. Signed a deal with South Korea, which had a terrible deal. That was a deal made by Crooked Hillary Clinton. She said, “250,000 jobs this will produce.” “It’s going to produce 250,000 jobs.” And she was right — for them. (Laughter.) They got 250,000 jobs. She never said that. She said “250,000 jobs.”

Anyway, we changed it around. We said, “Sorry about that, but we’re changing this deal around.”

For decades, Washington politicians put special interests ahead of American interests. They enacted disaster trade — really, and I mean disastrous trade policies. Like, it’s unimaginable, frankly. I looked at some of these deals; I said, “Who the hell would have done this? Who would have done this? A child wouldn’t have agreed to this stuff.” (Laughter.) Unbelievable.

And we’re still here. You know, it’s pretty incredible when you think of it. But I don’t know that we would have been for long. So we changed them around.

But the trade policies that shuttered our factories, gutted our communities, and shipped millions and millions and millions of jobs overseas and to other places, they spend trillions of dollars in the Middle East, but they allowed our own cities to crumble in total disrepair. You have a road. You have a bridge. You have a school. We’d build schools in Afghanistan; they’d blow it up. We would rebuild it; they’d blow it up. We’d rebuild it. But if a school in South Carolina needed money, if a school in North Carolina needed money, if a school in Florida — or any of the places — you know, right here in North, you can’t get money. But we get you the money. We get you the money.

But they’ve spent almost $8 trillion now in the Middle East. Terrible. Terrible thing. But we’re doing tremendous work, and a lot of our soldiers are coming back home. You see it. You see what’s happening: They’re all coming back. (Applause.) They weren’t meant to be law enforcement. They weren’t meant to be law enforcement; they’re meant to be soldiers, you know. (Applause.) And we love our law enforcement, but we didn’t put the soldiers over there to be law enforcement.

After years of building up other countries, we are finally building our country. (Applause.)

Our economy is now the envy of the entire world. It’s — you have to see when leaders come to my office — this beautiful Oval Office. I’ve had people walk into the office — it’s beautiful — but they have more beautiful, in many cases, I guess. But it’s what it represents.

They walk in — powerful people, big people — and you see them crying. I’ve seen heads of corporation walk in: “Have you ever seen the Oval Office?” “No, I haven’t.” “How many times have you been in the White House?” “Fifty-one times,” they’ve said — the head of a big car company. “Fifty-one times.” “Huh. Have you ever seen the Oval Office?” “No.” “They never took me in.” “I’ll take you in.” I like showing it, right? “I’ll take you in.”

And you see them start to cry. Tough people. They haven’t cried since they were a baby. Some of them never cried at all, even when they were a baby — (laughter) — and they start to cry when they walk into the Oval Office. Pretty amazing.

Remember, I used to say, “What do you have to lose?” I was in a room and it started, and I’m reading off economic numbers — the worst crime numbers, worst housing ownership numbers, worst everything. It just — worst education. Worst everything. I think there were 9 or 10 different very major factors — African American.

I said, “You’ve been with the Democrats for 100 years” — 112 to be exact. But for 100 years — over 100 years — and they treat you badly and they only come around two months before the election. And then right after the election, they say, “Bye-bye. We’ll see you in two years or four years.” Right? But they come around and they work real hard. They want your vote. And then the day after the election, they’re gone. That’s the Democrats.

And I said — all these bad numbers, “What the hell do you have to lose?” I say it two ways: When I have a very sophisticated, tough group like this, I say, “What the hell do you have to lose?” (Laughter.) And when I have a very kind group — I know too many of the people in the whole place; not so kind. But I say — I say, “What do you have to lose?” It’s very much less effective when I say it that way. (Laughter.) When I go, “What do you have to lose?” It’s like “let’s fall asleep.” (Laughter.) But when I say — but I remember I said it this night; I said, “What…” — it was 25,000 people. I said, “What the hell do you have to lose?” The place went crazy.

This year — meaning last year’s numbers just came in. First time in 51 years where drug prices, prescription drugs went down. First time in 51 years. (Applause.)

And, frankly, if the Democrats would ever negotiate, instead of wasting all their time, we could get — we could drive those prices down so low. It would be so beautiful. I mean, what’s not to like? (Applause.)

But we’re fighting for school choice and also criminal justice reform. You know, we got that done. (Applause.) Criminal justice reform — big thing, we got it done. I will not rest, I will not stop, I will not give up, until we have delivered equal and abundant opportunity for every community in our land. We are not interested — (applause) — it’s true.

No, we are not interested in business as usual; we are not interested in continuing yesterday’s failures, of which there were many; or the old ways of doing things. We want to disrupt what’s broken. I want to really disrupt this place because none of the other stuff worked.

Straight Line of the Day: How Can You Tell If a Student Is Brainwashed?

Straight Line of the Day: How Can You Tell If a Student Is Brainwashed?

QOTW: In order to form a more perfect union.

Okay I’ll admit it. I kinda like the US Constitution. I’m not really into seeing other forms of government at this point in my life. Personally I think the biggest original mistake of the Founding Fathers was the underlying belief that their posterity was going to be as smart and dedicated to freedom as they were.

Small mistake.

So as much as I hate to admit it there might be some teeny tiny changes to it that would make it better.

I would tighten up the language on voting processes and such. Only citizens vote, must be identifiable and physically present to cast a vote. Something along those lines.

So how about you all? What might you change, what amendments might you add. Come one, let us establish some kick-ass domestic tranquility.

Solar Santa

They’re supposed to launch a probe to the Sun tomorrow. The “they” that’s doing the doing is NASA and the European Space Agency.

This probe is to study the Sun’s poles.

Think about that. The Sun has a South Pole and a North Pole. And who lives at the North Pole? Santa.

Well, not our Santa. The Sun’s Santa would be who lives at the Sun’s North Pole.

I wonder if Solar Santa has eight tiny reindeer. The Sun is a lot bigger than Earth, so he’s probably got more than eight, right?

And does he eat milk and cookies? Wouldn’t the heat from the Sun burn the cookies? Then again, he would get them at night, so it would be cooler, so that might be okay.

Anyway, I was wondering what might be different about the Sun’s Santa.

What do you think might be the biggest differences?