Wednesday Night Open Thread

Some artists only have one really big hit. This one actually hit the chart twice, in 1958 and 1962. Both times it was a modest hit, making the Top 40. And it’s one you’ve heard.

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Wednesday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

Valid Crowd-Control Measure

Disneyland Raises Ticket Prices, Breaking the $200-a-Day Mark
LA Times / 2/12/2020

… The price of the least expensive annual pass, the Select Pass, which blocks out holidays and peak-demand days, rose 5% to $419 from $399. The most expensive annual pass, the Premier Pass, which gives guests access to Disney parks in Anaheim and Orlando, Fla., without blocking any dates, jumped 13% to $2,199 from $1,949.

Ticket prices were last raised 13 months ago, just before the park opened its $1-billion Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge expansion, a 14-acre land designed to resemble an alien spaceport for smugglers and resistance fighters. The price of a one-day ticket rose as much as 7% last year, following an increase in 2018 of up to 18%.

Months after the Star Wars land opened, Walt Disney Co. reported a 3% decline in attendance. Disney representatives attributed the drop to park efforts to control crowding at Disneyland, among other reasons.

But in the latest earnings report for the Burbank-based entertainment giant, Disney reported an 8% increase in revenue from the division that included parks in the three months ending in December, with a 2% increase in attendance.

Disney is not finished investing in its resort. This summer, it plans to open a new land in the California Adventure Park featuring the superheroes of Marvel comics and films. A new parade called Magic Happens, the first daytime parade in nine years, is scheduled to make its debut this month.

Sidebar: I have nothing against the Pluto-cracy. I don’t dig crowds, virtue-signaling leftist corporations, travel, long lines, or spending money to avoid crowds and long lines, so I just don’t go.

Submitted For Your Approval: Mind Like a Steel Tarp

Per Gumbeaux:

IMAO Time Machine: Fun Facts About the 50 States: Rhode Island

This is a reposting of one of Harvey’s classics. There’s a link to the book in the sidebar. — The Editors

Welcome to Fun Facts About the 50 States, where – week by week – I’ll be taking you on a tour around this great nation of ours, providing you with interesting, yet completely useless and probably untrue, information about each of the 50 states.

This week, we’ll be wondering how they squeeze a million square miles of tacky tourist shops into a thousand square miles of state as we visit Rhode Island. So let’s get started…

Rhode Island state flag
The state flag of Rhode Island is two-sided. One side features a white background with thirteen gold stars – representing the original colonies – encircling a gold anchor. The other side is pure white and was inspired by the French battle flag.
  • Rhode Island became the 13th state on May 29, 1790. It was originally founded by refugees from Connecticut and Massachusetts who thought that having double consonants in a state’s name looked snooty and pretentious.
  • The state motto of Rhode Island is “Size Doesn’t Matter.”
  • Rhode Island license plates have black letters on a light blue background and the slogan “Clamtastic!”
  • Rhode Island is the smallest state in the US, measuring a mere 48 by 37 miles. Think of it as the old maid in America’s popcorn bucket.
  • Rhode Island never ratified the 18th amendment (Prohibition). They were going to, but they ran out of gas. They had a flat tire. They didn’t have enough money for cab fare. Their tuxes didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole their cars. There was an earthquake! A terrible flood! Locusts! It wasn’t their fault! I swear to God!
  • Jeremiah Johnson of Newport, Rhode Island, was the first person to receive a jail sentence for speeding in an automobile. His sentence was later reduced to picking up after all the horses that his reckless driving had scared the crap out of.
  • Polo was first played in the US in Newport, Rhode Island. For those not familiar with the game, it’s sorta like hockey, except with more horses and – if you can imagine this – even fewer black people.
  • The Flying Horse Carousel in Watch Hill, Rhode Island, is the oldest in the US. Since it was built in 1876, it has been ridden more times than Madonna.
  • NOTE: The previous statement should be reviewed for accuracy on a day-by-day basis.
  • The first circus in the US started in 1774 in Newport, Rhode Island. The ceaseless bickering between the Fat Lady and the Dog Faced Boy is frequently cited by historians as the inspiration for America’s two-party political system.
  • Newport, Rhode Island is home to the Tennis Hall of Fame, which honors such widely-known tennis stars as… um… you know… that one guy… what’s-his-face. And I think there’s a couple chicks in there, too.
  • Whatever. Does anybody ACTUALLY follow tennis?
  • Songwriter George M. Cohan was born in Providence, Rhode Island. His big hit “I’m A Yankee Doodle Dandy,” was translated for the British stage as “I’m An American Loony Poofter.”
  • In 1953, St. Mary’s church in Newport, Rhode Island was the site of the marriage between John F. Kennedy and Jacqueline Bouvier. It was a fairy-tale wedding, right up until the point where an especially drunken Ted Kennedy mistook the confessional for a men’s room stall.
  • Rhode Island is famous for making silverware and fine jewelry. I personally have no idea what these are, since I’m more of a plastic spork and rubber bracelet kinda guy.
  • The roof of Providence, Rhode Island’s New England Pest Control building is home to the world’s largest bug – a 58-foot-long blue termite. The second largest bug is any given Florida cockroach.
  • Yeah, I know they’re technically “Palmetto Bugs,” but that’s not much consolation when one pours out of your box of Wheaties in the morning.
  • At the Point Judith corrosion test site, various materials sit exposed for years to determine the effects of sun and salt air. Tests show that the thing that falls apart most rapidly under adverse circumstances is a Republican Congress.
  • Rhode Island was the first state to strike a blow against England during the Revolutionary War. The English ship “Gaspee” was sunk in Narragansett Bay in 1772 after being hit by a cow that had been catapulted from a nearby castle.
  • Roger Williams, the founder of Rhode Island, wrote the original draft of the First Amendment, guaranteeing freedom of speech, the press, religion, and public assembly. Sadly omitted in the final draft was the guarantee of hot-chicks-only nude beaches.
  • Samuel Slater of Pawtucket, Rhode Island, invented the water-powered cotton mill in 1790. Southern plantation owners opposed the machine, fearing that it’s high efficiency and productivity could spark a wave of low self-esteem amongst the slaves.
  • The first British troops sent to crush the Revolution landed in Newport, Rhode Island in 1773. They were themselves crushed by a giant wooden rabbit that had been catapulted from a nearby castle.
  • Atop the State House in Providence, Rhode Island, stands the statue of “The Independent Man.” Standing above him and wielding a rolling pin is the statue of “The Nagging Wife.”
  • The first girl born to American colonist parents is buried in Little Compton, Rhode Island. The first boy is also buried there, under a marker engraved with his last words, “Look! Friendly Indians!”
  • The White Horse Tavern in Newport, Rhode Island is the oldest operating tavern in the US. When it first opened in 1673, the labeling of the men’s and women’s restrooms as “Stallions” and “Mares” was still considered original and clever.
  • Portsmouth, Rhode Island, is home to the oldest schoolhouse in the US. Built in 1716, some of George Washington’s original spitballs can still be seen stuck to the ceiling.
  • The Rhode Island Red Monument in Adamsville, Rhode Island, honors the famous poultry breed, and is the largest chicken-related monument in the world except for the Eiffel Tower.
  • Built in 1763, Newport, Rhode Island’s Touro Synagogue is the oldest synagogue in the US and contains the oldest Torah in North America. And no, it’s NOT because they’re too cheap to buy a new one. Don’t be anti-Semitic.
  • Pelham Street in Newport, Rhode Island was the first street in America to use gas-illuminated streetlights in place of the burning witches common to New England in that era.
  • Rhode Island has a population of just over one million people, all of whom know that a “coffee-cup salute” is a shout-out to local businesses by Channel 10’s Frank Coletta, and NOT a euphemism for an unspeakably degrading sexual act.
  • Don’t try asking anyone from Massachusetts about it, though.

That wraps up the Rhode Island edition of Fun Facts About the 50 States. Next week we’ll be frustratedly breaking golf clubs in Myrtle Beach as we visit South Carolina.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve gotta go visit the confessional before Ted Kennedy … EWWWWWWWW! … too late…

[The complete e-book version of “Fun Facts About the 50 States” is now available at If you don’t have a Kindle, you can download free Kindle apps for your web browser, smartphone, computer, or tablet from]

Klobuchar Sends Up Trial Balloon From New Hampshire

That dog won’t hunt.


And Now, A Word From The Chair of the Iowa Democrats

Sam Durant, Transcendental (Wheatley’s Desk, Emerson’s Chair), 2016, painted wood, 53 3/4 x 34 1/4 x 34 1/2 inches. Collection of deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum.

Measure once, count a hundred and twice.

“Now let’s see, which display room to use? ‘Cause I/we/they really have to go.”

With Apologies To The Van-B Boys

This guy was president. And his slang was still more current than Biden’s.

And Bernie still has a little way to go to catch up to him in the hair department.

Straight Line of the Day: Pay Your Income Tax! Schiff Need Your Money To …

Straight Line of the Day: Pay Your Income Tax! Schiff Need Your Money To …

Caption This! Why can’t we be friends?

Some strange bedfellows indeed.

Random Thoughts: Harley Quinn and Apple Stickers

Pretty telling that the only Republican voting to convict is the one who gave people cancer and put women in binders and was a bully and put a dog on a car and [other meaningless BS from 2012].

I’ll sleep better tonight now knowing the president is innocent.

All you guys who propped up that teenager David Hogg for your political purposes: Good job, you completely broke him.

The thing that always fascinated me with the “binders full of women” Romney gaffe is that at least half the left-wingers going after him with it didn’t even seem to understand what they were criticizing him for.

The DNC is probably trying to cover up Bernie’s win in Iowa for very good reasons and the far-left need to get in line.

I think the only way for AOC to save face now is to upload a video of her trying to lift herself up by her own bootstraps to prove it can’t be done. That would really make conservatives look like idiots and shut them up.

How much is Mike Bloomberg paying influencers? Asking for an… influencer friend.

I’m not arguing Trump isn’t terrible, I’m just not buying he’s some order of magnitude worse than the other politicians.

As a Trump defender who defends Trump on absolutely everything he does, I have to say I find what Trump is doing to be very defensible.

Today’s Democratic Party is mainly a bunch of far-left white people arguing who knows best for people of color.

All the people complaining to Twitter about the Trump video are such weenies. All they have to do is look more reasonable than Trump, and every day they’re like “Nope!”

When I’m rich, I’m not going to eat ground beef anymore. I’m going to eat sky beef.

Hopefully women will spend less time shoe-shopping and more time perfecting their filmmaking skills so they’ll get Oscar director nominations next year.

Remember when everyone was like “Warren is smart and she has plans”? That was silly.

“Joker was popular. I bet people are going to want a see a movie about Joker’s girlfriend.”
When has that worked? Now that Parasite has won the Oscar, are they doing a movie about the Parasite’s girlfriend (assuming he has one; I’m only vaguely familiar with that DC villain)?

Know what might do really well? A movie about Harley Quinn’s boyfriend.

If someone can only do less that $15 in value of work an hour, it should be illegal to hire that person.

My opinion on sub versus dub is wait for the superior American version. Who needs The Seven Samurai when you have much shorter and more efficient The Magnificent Seven?
There’s even one with Chris Pratt in it!

Not going to upgrade my Kindle until they finally have USB-C. MicroUSB has to be my most despised connector.

I think Warren is my least favorite of the remaining Democratic presidential candidates, so it’s nice to see her floundering. Who is your least favorite?

I’m sorry, but I just can’t accept Buttigieg is pronounced “BOOT-edge-edge” just because that’s what they told me. That requires an explanation because in no universe are there two edges in there.

I’m pronouncing it Butt-ee-geeg, and if he doesn’t like it, spell it differently.

One thing none of the candidates are talking about are those little stickers on apples. Every time I want eat an apple, I have to pull off the sticker and wash off the glue residue. It’s 2020; is there really no other way to identify apples than putting stickers on each one?

If the name change works on Birds of Prey are they going to try it on Little Women?

I love how when I’m trying to get a quick update on breaking news Twitter fills my timeline with tweets from nine hours ago I already read.

Bernie Sanders’s magic is having gotten to 78 years old maintaining the sort of idiocy that usually doesn’t survive leaving a college campus.

I don’t know anyone right or left who hates Klobuchar. I mean, from the rumors about how she treats her staff, she probably a horrible person, but still it seems notable she doesn’t have any vehement detractors.

If I had buttons for each presidential candidate to magically transport them to prison, the only button I wouldn’t hit would be Yang’s.

Hookers For Jesus

I saw a news story about a whistleblower complaint for money going to an organization called “Hookers for Jesus.” The money is for victims of human trafficking, and the complain says Hookers for Jesus doesn’t help victims of sex trafficking. But here’s a tidbit that may actually be the whole cause of the complaint.

The complaint says the Justice Department passed over two better qualified organizations, Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Palm Beach and Chicanos Por La Causa, in Phoenix, Arizona, that have ties to Democrats or oppose Trump administration policies, Reuters reports.

You got that, right? The “non-profits” that didn’t get the money are involved in political opposition to the Trump administration. It may claim “non-profit” but it’s certainly not non-partisan.

Now, I’m not disparaging the work done by Hookers for Jesus, or work by the organizations that didn’t get the money. I would suggest that organizations that tie themselves to politics have no business existing. I’m not saying they shouldn’t do the work, I’m saying I don’t trust them to do the work properly if they’re politically active.

But, that’s not really why I decided to write about this. It’s because of my first search for “Hookers for Jesus” turned up some unexpected results.

You see, there’s a town in southeast Georgia called Jesup. It’s an hour or so south/southwest of Savannah. So, when I typed in “Hookers for Jesus” I either mis-typed, or auto-correct decided, based on my location, to change “Jesus” to “Jesup.” Whatever the reason, I ended up with results for hookers in Jesup. Which is a thing, apparently.

Also, I got some leads.