Thursday Night Open Thread

One of the things about posting songs by artists I don’t normally listen to is that I have to learn a little about the artists. Well, I guess I don’t have to, but I do. Sometimes I learn good things, sometimes I learn bad things. But, I always learn things.

I learned only one of the members of TLC was born in Georgia. One moved there as a little girl, and the other (the dead one) moved there to get into the music scene. Speaking of the dead one, I didn’t realize her fatal traffic crash was recorded by a cameraman inside the car. When Lisa Lopez was buried, some of the lyrics from Waterfalls were engraved on her casket.

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Thursday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

OK, The Socialist Platform Is Laid. Who’s Going To Be the Candidate?

“You’re missing a scaffold.”

Warren Supporters


. . . or Kloubouchet(sp?) supporters. Who knows?

The important thing is they are keeping out of Creepy Joe’s reach.

New Hampshire’s Wall


. . . and we’ll make Canada pay for it!

If Democrats Win, Expect To See These People On Your Own Doorstep

“Hi, we’re from the government, and we’re so here to help you get your mind right . . . Any Guns? . . . ”

Submitted For Your Approval: I Can Jussie It

Per Gumbeaux:

Reference link

I would call any animation that shows Schiff looking like an uncredited teenager in a Halloween movie a .gif that keeps on giving.

And how does that guy have no nipples? Is that a medical condition??

Straight Line of the Day: What Could Biden and/or Warren Do To Revive Their Campaigns?

Per Gumbeaux:

Straight Line of the Day: What could Biden and/or Warren do to revive their campaigns?

Meme for a day!

None are mine except that I stole them to advance my nefarious plan!

For the upcoming holiday.

I’m not saying it but… it’s

And the obligatory Monty Python reference.


Staying On Point

Have you seen the video Town Hall posted showing Elizabeth Warren’s debate monologue and her later interview? Talk about staying on point.

I’m gonna miss it when she finally drops out of the race. She’s so fun to poke fun at.