Friday Night Open Thread

I love Weird Al.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s Friday Night Open Thread.

What’s on your mind?

Parting Shot

Gotta love a Valentine that has a ticking watch in it!

. . . and “Credit Jewelers.”

DNC and Washington Post Hard at Work Trying To Produce Democrat(ic) Candidate

IMAO EXCLUSIVE: Bernie Sanders’ Reply When Asked “What Will It Take For You To Drop Out of the Race?”

Photo source

Bonus Straight Line of the Day: Apparently Walrus Has a Visitor This Weekend — Is There Any Warning We Should Give Her?

Bonus Straight Line of the Day: Apparently Walrus Has a Visitor This Weekend — Is There Any Warning We Should Give Her?

(Besides “It’s best to keep off the subject of shoes, and ships, and sealing wax, and cabbages and kings”)

(And not to say: “Wait — I thought you were Paul!”)

Crossover Valentine

Sports Illustrated: “In Your Face, Um, Everyone!”

Caitlyn Jenner To Pose Nude for Sports Illustrated Cover
CBS News | 02/14/2020

Even if there are people who do want to see a 66-year-old transgender human being pose naked — a vanishingly small portion of the population — they would at least want to see a highly attractive one.

So that cuts them out. Who does that leave, SI?

And Now For Something Completely Deviant

Happy Valentine’s Day!

So, send your money to the manager — Basil — and see what results you get.

Personally, I think if it involves cows and pansies, that’s your business, and there’s no need to advertise.

Straight Line of the Day: A Political Valentine Might Read: …

Straight Line of the Day: A Political Valentine Might Read: …

(“Shall I compare thee to a Schumer day?
There are moron temper acts bipar… “)

Caption this! Special Coronavirus Edition

Got the future ex-wife (I keed, I keed!) coming this weekend so I’m not being too inventive.

Have at it my captioneers!

There’s Stupid, Then There’s Democrat Stupid

Alabama State House District 58 is northeast Birmingham area, just east of the airport. running up to Center Point. Is that information important? Well, if you’ve followed political news in Alabama for the last several years, you know that Birmingham is full of … shall we say “interesting characters” when it comes to politics. Those that ain’t crooks are just plain stupid.

Their last representative pleaded guilty and was sentenced to prison for bribery, conspiracy, honest services fraud, and tax evasion. Oliver Robinson rode his sports credentials (Alabama Sports Hall of Fame) into office before being crooked took him out. Voters elected real estate broker Rolanda Harris to take his place.

Rep. Rolanda Hollis was arrested in Destin, Florida last year following an altercation with her husband outside a motel room. Why she was in Florida at the beach instead of, say, Orange Beach, Alabama is something I can’t say.

Okay, maybe we do know why. Representing her district well, it seems.

Anyway, she’s now proposing that men over 50 in Alabama be required to get a vasectomy. Also, men who have fathered three children. I am not making this up.

“It takes 2 to tangle” made me laugh so hard, and she doesn’t even know why.

It’s a response to some abortion bill or something.

I want so bad to make a joke here, but I’ll never be able to top the joke the voters of House District 58 have played on the rest of the state. Good one, 58th.