Tuesday Night Open Thread

Old songs are the best. This one was at number one in May and June 1944 for five weeks.

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Tuesday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

(R) or Shack Test

Republicans: This is our vision for every single American citizen. Couples can do even better.

Democrats: Let’s mandate the tarp over the windshield; let’s steal electricity from citizens.

Trump: Get a new car. Are you kidding me? Economy’s good, but the economy’s better.

Straight Line of the Day: A Brawl Broke Out at a Bernie Rally. What Caused It?

Straight Line of the Day: A brawl broke out at a Bernie rally. What caused it?

Brawl Breaks Out in the Middle of a Bernie Rally
American Thinker | February 17, 2020

A fight broke out in the middle of the Bernie Sanders rally on Sunday evening at the Colorado Convention Center. The Democratic presidential candidate rallied thousands of supporters in Denver in a campaign stop before the March 3 Colorado primary.

(Original source CBS.)

There’s a word for that! Make mine a double!

Let us go to the second round of soused synonyms, phrase edition.


“Has a turkey on one’s back.”

“His lee scuppers are under.”

“Lapped the gutter.”

“Making a trip to Baltimore.”

“Not able to see through a ladder.”

“Out in left field with a catcher’s mitt on.”


And that’s it for this week. To be continued?


I’m Not Saying It’s Aliens, But …

There’s a report out of San Francisco that says the aliens may already be here:

“The intriguing possibility is they are, in fact, here, but we just don’t know it,” said Andrew Fraknoi, the emeritus chairman of the astronomy department at Foothill College who recently taught a course on aliens at the University of San Francisco’s Fromm Institute and believes space aliens could very well be microscopic or unrecognizable as a life-form.

[Source: San Francisco Chronicle (pay)]

While microscopic life is a possibility, I’m thinking there might be a little more to it than that. I mean, if a fully grown, full-size, two-meter tall alien showed up in San Francisco, would anyone really notice?

Perhaps the Fermi Paradox isn’t a paradox after all.