Wednesday Night Open Thread

Some artists only have one really big hit. Jeannine Deckers, AKA Sœur Sourire, AKA The Singing Nun, took a French song to the top of the charts in 1963. Her life didn’t go a rainbows and unicorns after that. She was hounded for taxes for monies she never received, and ended up killing herself a couple of decades later.

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Wednesday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

IMAO Time Machine: Fun Facts About the 50 States: Vermont

This is a reposting of one of Harvey’s classics. There’s a link to the book in the sidebar. — The Editors

Welcome to Fun Facts About the 50 States, where – week by week – I’ll be taking you on a tour around this great nation of ours, providing you with interesting, yet completely useless and probably untrue, information about each of the 50 states.

This week, we’ll be going to the only state that serves maple syrup at communion services as we visit Vermont. So let’s get started…

Vermont state flag
The state flag of Vermont doubles as a warning for those thinking about refusing an offer from the deer mafia.
  • Vermont became the 14th state on March 4, 1791 after they finally stopped holding out for having the state represented on the flag by a maple leaf.
  • Vermont is the largest producer of maple syrup in the US. This keeps America from having to rely on inferior Canadian syrup, which is frequently tainted with impurities such as benzene or socialism.
  • The stoner-rock band Phish got its start in Burlington, Vermont. It has a cult-like following similar to that of the Grateful Dead, except fewer of Phish’s fans are old enough to have taken the brown acid at Woodstock.
  • In 1916, Barre, Vermont elected a socialist mayor. This ushered in 4 frightening years when their syrup was inferior to Canada’s.
  • Vermont gets its name from the French words “verts monts,” which mean “green mountains” and are the only two words in the language which don’t translate roughly as “we surrender.”
  • Vermont’s capital of Montpelier has a population of under 9,000 people, which means there’s always plenty of parking for filthy hippies when they show up to protest whatever it is that’s pissing them off this week.
  • Montpelier is the only state capital in the US without a McDonald’s, which – technically – makes it a backwards, third-world hellhole. Expect Sally Struthers to be doing some “save the children” commercials for the place sometime soon.
  • Vermont has a cows-to-people ratio of 10 to 1, which makes me suspect that the absence of a Montpelier McDonald’s is due to heavy lobbying by Big Cow.
  • Vermont’s two biggest employees are Ben & Jerry’s and IBM. IBM actually has trouble attracting workers, since it offers its habitually-baked-at-lunch hippie labor pool fewer opportunities to assuage their munchies by nibbling on the company product.
  • Vermont was, at various times in its history, claimed by both New Hampshire and New York. However, like the skunk, it escaped these predators by emitting a New-Jersey-like odor.
  • Until 1996, Vermont was the only state without a Wal-Mart, leaving fat women in lime-green stretch pants wandering the streets without a place to gather, gossip, and ignore their crying children.
  • Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream company has always given their ice cream waste to local farmers to feed their hogs. However, since Ben & Jerry’s was acquired by the multi-billion dollar business conglomerate Unilever in 2000, the hogs have refused to eat it, citing the bitter, corporate-sellout taste.
  • While living in Vermont in the 1890’s, author Rudyard Kipling invented the game of snow golf. It’s played by cursing and throwing your clubs while searching for a white ball in a snowbank.
  • Born in Plymouth, Vermont, in 1872, Calvin Coolidge is the only US president born on the 4th of July, and thus the only president to get the free Yankee Doodle Dandy Birthday Sundae from the White House Cafeteria.
  • Vermont’s state capitol building is one of the few to have a gold-covered dome. At the peak of the dome stands a stature of Ceres, the Greek goddess of pancake toppings.
  • Over 70 percent of Vermont traffic tickets issued in 1996 were given to male drivers, most of whom were speeding because they were late picking up their fat-assed wives from Wal-Mart.
  • Ida May Fuller of Brattleboro, Vermont, was the first US citizen to collect a Social Security check. After paying in $100 during her working years, she collected over $20,000 after she retired, giving her a return on investment nearly that of a Hillary Clinton cattle futures purchase.
  • Wildlife biologists estimate that as many as five out of six deer can die during a hard winter in Vermont. Although this sounds harsh and cruel, it’s just nature’s way of ensuring that Vermont’s many ski resorts have enough moguls.
  • Vermont does not allow billboard advertising because it interferes with the natural beauty of the state’s scenery. Companies get around this by sponsoring signs at anti-war protests, like “Make Love, Not War! – Buy Viagra!”
  • Vermont has more ski resorts than any other state in the US. Although this sounds harsh and cruel, it’s just nature’s way of keeping down the Kennedy population.
  • Part of the movie Beetlejuice was filmed in Vermont. The afterlife waiting room scene was shot using people returning from a Phish concert in order to save money on costumes & makeup.
  • The Vermont area was first explored by Frenchman Samuel de Champlain, who claimed it for his home country after noting with approval how many deer surrendered to starvation every year.
  • Inventor John Deere was born in Rutland, Vermont, in 1804. He invented the lawnmower in 1872 and the shredded foot in 1873.
  • Brigham Young and Joseph Smith were both born in Vermont. They founded the Mormon church shortly after being unable to make a go of Brigham & Joseph’s Ice Cream. Possibly because of such unpopular flavor offerings as Bible Bangin’ Banana and Sodom & Gomorrah Surprise.
  • On July 2, 1777, Vermont became the first state to abolish slavery. The newly freed black man was reportedly overjoyed.
  • The first postage stamp issued in the US was made in Battleboro, Vermont, in 1846. Prior to this, postage payment was indicated by having a hole shot in the corner of the envelope by a disgruntled employee.
  • The first person to cross the entire US by automobile was Dr. H. Nelson Jackson of Burlington, Vermont. Arriving in New York 2 months after leaving San Francisco, his first words were, “Outta my way! I gotta whiz like a racehorse!”
  • The first Boy Scout troop was organized in Barre, Vermont in 1909 by William F. Milne, who made millions forcing the boys to earn their “indentured servant” merit badges.
  • The first ski chairlift was used on Vermont’s Mt. Mansfield in 1940. Prior to this, skiers ascended the slopes using tow ropes attached to indentured Boy Scouts.
  • The first Head Start Program, which prepares underprivileged preschool children for elementary school, was started in East Fairfield, Vermont. The original curriculum consisted simply of telling the kids repeatedly throughout the day, “get used to failure, losers!”
  • The singing Von Trapp family – whose flight from Austria was made famous in the movie “The Sound of Music” – eventually settled in Stowe, Vermont, because it reminded them of the country they left behind, which also consisted of ski slopes full of snooty, Jew-hating WASPs.

That wraps up the Vermont edition of Fun Facts About the 50 States. Next week we’ll be surrounded by bleached blond surfers who say “dude!” with a southern accent as we visit Virginia.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve gotta go get paid for my “No Blood For Oil! Exxon Takes VISA!” sign.

[The complete e-book version of “Fun Facts About the 50 States” is now available at If you don’t have a Kindle, you can download free Kindle apps for your web browser, smartphone, computer, or tablet from]

Either Way, No Sign of Intelligent Life

Not entirely sure what we’re seeing here:

(a) Lenticular Galaxy NGC 4546; or

(b) Some terrorist scumbag’s career ending.

Democrats: Seriously?

“Mein Fuehrer, I Can Woke!”

Straight Line of the Day: Swimsuit Models

Works like this: We feed you Moon Nukers a straight line, and you hit us with a punch line in the comments.

Sports Illustrated has their most diverse swimsuit model class ever. But not every group is represented. Most notably missing is…

Caption this! We ain’t monkeying around.

So be serious guys. I’m serious. Be serious. Seriously.

Random Thoughts: Bernie and Bloomberg

So how is Bill Kristol prepping to campaign for Bernie Sanders?

When I write a large code change and it compiles the first time, it always creeps me out.

DEMOCRATS: “Give up your AR-15s; it’s ridiculous you’d ever need them to fight tyranny. BTW, we’ve decided to go full Communist.”

You know how old Bernie Sanders is? The shock of winning could kill him.

So much money is spent in presidential elections because people want a very specific terrible idiot and can’t just be happy with the terrible idiot everyone else decides on.

Isn’t the first level of Battletoads one of the greatest lies in human history?
“What a fun, slightly challenging game! I can’t wait for many more levels like this!”

Remember: 2020 will be the least important presidential election of your life time.

I’m glad I didn’t have to jettison all my principles to either support or oppose Trump. All my principles are still safe in a box somewhere in my closet, I think.

I pledge to not support the Democratic nominee whoever he or she is.
I also pledge to not support the Republican nominee.
Why do we pretend picking between two terrible choices is ever going to fix anything?

I really like the Babylon Bee podcast. I feel like I pay much more attention to a podcast when they sometimes mention me.

If you’re looking for the most entertainment out of the presidential election–and I don’t know what else you’d expect from it–the best outcome will be billionaire Bloomberg beating Bernie (hilarious!) followed by months of short jokes from Trump.

Inequality is the idea you can never be happy with a million dollars if the guy next door has a billion.
And it’s the other guy that’s greedy.

The #NeverTrump symbol is about to become a hammer and sickle.

My prediction for the 2020 presidential election: Fun!

I don’t really want to be involved in a campaign, but I’ll write short jokes about Bloomberg for a fee. Not even a big one.

Trump hiring terrible people he later has to fire for being terrible is part of his 8D Chutes & Ladders.

When you hit the recline button on your airline seat, it puts an invisible dust on your fingers that can be seen through black light to help police secretly identify sociopaths.

The least way a citizen influences his country is his vote.

Trump will win if people realize he’s the only thing standing between us and worse than Trump.

“Trump is a special threat to our country! Who is the other choice?”
“A Communist!”
“Oh… well… uh…”
“But he’s like senile, so he probably can’t do much harm.”
“Oh! Cool!”

I like it how when a movie is going for a Stranger Things vibe, they just go ahead and hire Finn Wolfhard.

It’s very cynical to make fun of my viewpoints which are all extremely important and well thought out.

Late stage capitalism? We’ve only utilized like 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of the capital in the universe. We’ve barely started.

I’m not going to see the Sonic movie because it would be a betrayal to the 12yo me Super Nintendo loyalist.

The Rage Against the Machine ticket prices is just a reminder of what I keep saying: No one is actually against capitalism.

If when you say “socialism,” you just mean “more welfare programs,” then just say, “I want more welfare programs.” Stop invoking the name of a philosophy that killed 100 million people last century, you stupid little idiots.
What’s confusing is that so many of these dummies talk about capitalism like they want to get rid of it, but the type of “socialism” that’s just more welfare programs can only exist with the wealth of capitalism. A parasite can’t live without a host.
If anyone was actually trying to get rid of capitalism, I’d hope anyone with any concern for their fellow man would pick up an AR-15 and fight back. Worldwide, the death of capitalism would starve billions.
But no one actually wants to get rid of capitalism. There’s just a bunch of over-privileged whiny people who like to sound important.

Oh man, it would be so hilarious if billionaire Bloomberg ended up narrowly beating Bernie for the nomination. The ensuing freak out that would overtake the Democratic Party would be like nothing I’ve ever seen in my life.

So does Billie Eilish have concerts in large venues or does she just do performances to one person at a time and whispers they lyrics to them?

Here’s how my brain works: I know nothing about Billy Eyelash, but I saw a couple tweets that were like “to all the haters who say she just ‘whispers’…” so I was like “I should make fun of how all she does is whisper.”

I really liked The Babylon Bee until I started writing for it and it got all political.

I did not realize Bloomberg is as old as Bernie.

It’s not right when South Park makes fun of things I think are super duper important. It should only make fun of things other people think are super duper important because they are wrong.

Does it give Bernie supporters any pause that Bernie is an avowed socialist or that Bill de Blasio likes him?

Man, gas has been cheap for awhile… prolly because of Trump’s superior presidenting.

Just saw the stuff about Bloomberg and women; he makes Trump look like a feminist. Does that guy have one redeeming quality?
Oh yeah. Billions of dollars.

Liberty is always getting in the way of everybody’s plans.
That’s a feature, not a bug.

Just disable the seat recline in coach. Why even give psychopaths the option?

Whenever I hand over Winchester to SarahK, Winchester immediately turns around and gives me a big smile like, “Ha! I finally got who I wanted, loser!”

I guess the logic of running Bloomberg against Bernie is that even the absolute worst person in the country who isn’t a socialist is still better than a socialist.

Don’t Bernie Bros have a right to be angry?
I mean, sure, they tend to be over-privileged white people who have never face a real problem in their lives, but the pointlessness and uselessness of their existence gives them angst.

Now that Bloomberg has pointed out that Bernie supporters are basically Nazis, the question is will they be thankful for the constructive criticism or become violent and angry as is their nature?

It’s Presidents Day, the day you’re legally obligated to say something nice about the president.
Considering that Trump’s run for president was just a marketing stunt to get another season of The Apprentice, I think he’s done okay.

Is Steyer still in it in case people want a less obnoxious billionaire?

HARRISON FORD: “I’ll be in your movie, but you aren’t putting any mangy dog anywhere near me!”
DISNEY: “Fine. We’ll add the dog in post.”

If Bloomberg wins, that will prove you can buy a Democratic primary.
I don’t think you can buy the general election, though. Remember how much money was spent trying to convince people to be happy to vote for Hillary?

In the old trilogy, you just understood who the Empire was and how they were in charge of everything. In the new ones, I never had the slightest idea what the scope of the New Order was.

Death Star blows up
“The Empire’s new weapon is destroyed, but they’re still out there.”
Starkiller base blows up
“Does that mean the New Order is done for? Was that all of them? I have no idea.”

“And why are the good guys the ‘Resistance’? Aren’t they in charge now? Didn’t they see the end of Return of the Jedi?”

I’ll never for the life of me understand caring about billionaires. Don’t you have any real problems to focus on rather than spend time pretending that someone somewhere having a billion dollars is hurting you for vague reasons?

The Democratic debate today better be bloodsport.

Politics is so much fun lately. I don’t even know what I’m supposed to do as a satirist. It’s all “Look at these things that are actually happening; aren’t they wacky?”

You Say You Want A Revelation

According to something I read on the Internet — so you know it must be true — there are currently ten plagues going on. Really. The article lists them as:

  1. Locusts
  2. Bizarre Weather
  3. Floods
  4. Earthquakes
  5. Volcanic Eruptions
  6. Coronavirus
  7. African Swine Fever
  8. H1N1 Swine Flu
  9. H5N1 Bird Flu
  10. H5N8 Bird Flu

Some of these could be combined into others. All the flu strains, for example. The weather and floods could be combined. Maybe earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. Maybe.

So, that’s down to four, at least. And four plagues is a pretty good amount.

These virus and such can take care of the first vial, right?

The earthquakes and volcanos can release gasses trapped in the bottom of the ocean, which will kill a bunch of sea life. That’s the second vial, right?

You see where this is going. So, what do you think? Should we worry? Or just hope it comes quickly? I’m torn.