Thursday Night Open Thread

Some types of music sound the same to me. Mostly it’s music that I don’t normally listen to. When I was younger, I thought all Big Band music sounded the same. It doesn’t. And, there are some that think all Zydeco music sounds the same.

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Thursday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

But What If an Alien Invasion Fleet Were To Camouflage Themselves as Clouds?

(Cue “Ride of the Valkyries” Theme Music)

Isn’t That Cute?

. . . the WPA graphics team apparently never heard of Freud. Heh-heh-heh . . .

. . . Uh, wait a minute . . .



Clinton Team Locates Descendant of Sir Edmund Hillary; Convinces Him To Swear That Ascent of Everest Took Place Well Before Hillary Clinton’s Birth

“Wait! Wait! Can’t I grab my orange hat?”

“Shut up, Dingus!”

Straight Line of the Day: Spankings, Reasoning, and “Time Outs” Don’t Work. The Only Way Left To Deal With Leftists Is …

Straight Line of the Day: Spankings, reasoning, and “time outs” don’t work. The only way left to deal with leftists is …

Cartoon Mania: Let’s get political, political.

Nobody talks about the political scene these days. It’s a dying art. So for your amusement if not your edification.

Caption This: Bloomberg and the Baby

Bloomberg, like all politicians, will pick up a baby and pose with it. That doesn’t always go well. But just how bad, I leave up to you, Dear Reader.

Caption this:

High Praise to the one with the most likes!