Monday Night Open Thread

I love history. I’ve been stymied when doing some genealogy research when I hit 1890. Not always, though, as I have found some records from that census that. I’ve been lucky that way, but only on some records. Many are simply missing.

If you have done genealogy research, you know about the issue with the 1890 census.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s Monday Night Open Thread.

What’s on your mind?

Truth or Parody Answers.

Since I know you all are desperate to know.

  1. Osaka airport introduces canine comfort room, complete with pole (Real)
  2. Target Announces Senior Discount For Anyone Who Self-Identifies As Age 60 Or Older. (Parody)
  3. Malpractice? This Nurse Included Shoes and Clothes in Your Body Weight. (Parody)
  4. Come to Rio, get robbed: Brazil tourism body shares awkward Instagram post. (Real)
  5.  Australian Officials Touting Bushfire As Huge Success. (Parody)
  6. Woman accused of calling 911 after parents cut off cellphone. (Real)
  7. New Hampshire Police Chief strips off clothes after being stripped of duties. (Real)
  8. Woman who flashed Google street view car faces legal charges. (Real)

Submitted For Your Approval: Explained

Submitted by Slapout:

Straight Line of the Day: Kirk Liked Green Chicks and Sulu. So Why Doesn’t the Left Like Him?

Straight Line of the Day: Kirk Liked Green Chicks and Sulu. So Why Doesn’t the Left Like Him?

Who is the best James T. Kirk?

The results are in and we have a winner in our “Best Wonder Woman” poll and it is Lynda Carter! By a score of 76 – 37 she easily handled Gal Gadot. Easily? It was barely an inconvenience.

Let us now move on to another poll. This will remain open until 9:00 am Sunday March 1, 2020.

Who was the best Kirk? (No, not the creator)

You may be asking yourself, “Why is Walrus doing this?” I know I certainly am. The reason is that in the deep, dark past of my internet existence I ran a little thing I humbly called the Babesleaga. (Well it is kind of German soccer sounding, ain’t it?) I am hoping to revive it for your amusement and entertainment.

The premise will be this, each week will see head to head match-ups of 2 lovely celebrities from a group of 8 that have something in common. Best record from the group is the winner and the winners of the groups will be put into a single elimination tournament à la the NCAA Basketball tournament. Sound good?

Is this a good Idea?

  • YES (91%, 53 Votes)
  • NO (9%, 5 Votes)

Total Voters: 58

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Wonder Woman and today’s Kirk are dry runs on the format. Mainly to gauge interest and see how it works. Sort of my off Broadway opening as it were. If nothing goes amiss we will begin the regular season on March 2nd. There will be contests regularly posted at 10:00 am, 2:00 pm, 6:00 pm and 8:00 pm on Mondays and the polls will stay open through Sunday mornings at 9:00 am. I may shorten the window a bit as things go.

I hope you enjoy it.

On to the contest.


William Shatner

William Shatner

Chris Pine

Who is the best James T. Kirk?

  • William Shatner (94%, 175 Votes)
  • Chris Pine (6%, 12 Votes)

Total Voters: 187

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There’s a report out of the U.K. that scientists are infecting monkeys with the coronavirus. It’s part of some attempt to find a vaccine.

An experimental antiviral vaccine called remdesivir was found to cure rhesus macaques infected with Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV).

More than 2,400 have been infected with the strain of the virus, which the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control estimate has killed 910 humans.

Now, you already know that it is the official position of IMAO that monkeys are evil. Just so there’s no misunderstanding, we also think that deadly virus infected monkeys are evil, but also deadly. Because they’re virus infected.

Of course, there’s absolutely nothing that could possibly go wrong by taking the most deadly virus in 100 years and infecting a bunch of monkeys with it.

Didn’t we see a movie like this? Didn’t we see several? I’m thinking those U.K. scientists need to watch more old TV movies.

Or am I wrong? Is this a perfectly safe thing to do? What do you think? Could anything possibly go wrong here?