Wednesday Night Open Thread

Some artists only have one really big hit. Timmy Thomas actually hit the charts with five different songs, but this was the only one to get higher than number 75. “Why Can’t We Live Together” peaked at number 3 in 1973.

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Wednesday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

IMAO Time Machine: Fun Facts About the 50 States: Tennessee

This is a reposting of one of Harvey’s classics. There’s a link to the book in the sidebar. — The Editors

Welcome to Fun Facts About the 50 States, where – week by week – I’ll be taking you on a tour around this great nation of ours, providing you with interesting, yet completely useless and probably untrue, information about each of the 50 states.

This week, we’ll be getting our asses whupped for making banjo jokes as we visit Tennessee. So let’s get started…

Tennessee flag gif
Tennessee’s flag features the first – and possibly worst – attempt at creating the now-iconic and ubiquitous “smiley face.”
  • Tennessee became the 16th state on June 1, 1796, and was originally settled by outcast heretics from Massachusetts who believed that playing polo on horseback was completely inferior to playing it hogback.
  • Tennessee’s nickname is the “Needs a cool spelling mnemonic like Mississippi has” state.
  • Chattanooga, Tennessee is where the famous International House of Possum restaurant chain got its start in 1925.
  • The Iris was adopted as the state flower of Tennessee in 1972, despite numerous complaints that it was too hard to spell.
  • The state motto of Tennessee is: “Moonshine – it’s not just for breakfast any more.”
  • The city of Kingston served as the state capital of Tennessee for only one day – just long enough to sign a peace treaty ending the bloody Civil War between rival factions of Hicks, Rubes, Hayseeds, Rednecks, and Hillbillies. The victorious Rednecks then moved the capital to its present Nashville location.
  • The state song of Tennessee is “All I Want For Christmas Is My Thirty Front Teeth.”
  • Living most of his life in Greeneville, Tennessee, Andrew Johnson held every elective office on the local, state, and federal levels – from City Alderman to US President. His shrewish mother-in-law, however, never ceased referring to him as “that good-for-nothing job-hopper.”
  • Tennessee license plates are white with black numbers and feature the phrase “Barely Toleratin’ Yankees Since 1865.”
  • The famous racehorse Iroquois was bred at Nashville’s Belle Meade Plantation, and left hundreds of thoroughbred descendants. Sorta like the Kennedy clan, except with more hay-eating, and less negligent homicide.
  • The Houston Oilers football team moved to Tennessee in 1997 and were known as the Tennessee Oilers for two years before changing their name to the Tennessee Titans. Which brings up a question: if the New England Patriots are affectionately known as the “Pats,” what’s the Titans’ nickname?
  • During the first Gulf War, more National Guard members from Tennessee were deployed than from any other state. Possibly due to a rumor that the Iraqi Republican Guard consisted entirely of Gators fans.
  • Born in Bakersville, Tennessee, Hattie Caraway became the first woman elected to the US Senate. Sadly, her term was marred by the now-infamous “lap dances for votes” scandal.
  • Legendary frontiersman Davy Crockett was born near Greeneville, Tennessee and was best know for wearing a coonskin cap and a snakeskin thong.
  • Tennessee’s name comes from the Cherokee Indian word “tanasi,” which means “White man make-um kick-ass corn juice firewater.”
  • When it opened in 1992, Chattanooga’s Tennessee Aquarium was the largest fresh water aquarium in the US, featuring over 300 different aquatic species. Due to recent budget cuts, it now consists of three fish sticks in a wooden bucket.
  • The largest earthquake in the continental US was the New Madrid Earthquake, which happened in northwestern Tennessee in 1811. Locals took it as a punishment from God for their sins of sobriety and book-learnin’, and quickly mended their evil ways.
  • Tennessee’s Reelfoot Lake is known as the Turtle Capital of the World. It contains thousands of these ponderous reptiles, very few of whom are named after Renaissance painters or skilled in martial arts.
  • Nashville, Tennessee is famous for its country music scene and is widely known as “the city that spells ‘opera’ with a y, and ‘violin’ with two ‘d’s.”
  • Famous railroad engineer Casey Jones lived in Jackson, Tennessee. He was killed when his train crashed on April 30, 1900, having failed to attain the 88 mph speed necessary for successful time travel.
  • Tennessee has over 3800 caves containing a space of over one million cubic miles – nearly enough to hold an entire Senate’s worth of broken campaign promises.
  • Bristol, Tennessee, is known as the “Birthplace of Country Music” and the “Graveyard of Cheerful Sobriety.”
  • Elvis Presley’s home, Graceland, is located in Memphis, Tennessee, and is the most visited house in the US that does not contain the word “pancakes.”
  • Or “possum.”
  • Before the Revolutionary War, there was a colony in central Tennessee known as Transylvania. Contrary to popular rumor, it contained no vampires because 1) Tennessee vampires don’t exist, 2) if they did exist they’d be too ignorant to find the jugular vein on their victims, and 3) if they could find it, a toothless vampires couldn’t bite anyone.
  • Tennessee will not allow you to buy beer in a liquor store. Probably because you can’t fit a Tennessee beer gut through a liquor store doorway.
  • The 266 foot tall Sunsphere built for Knoxville, Tennessee’s 1982 World’s Fair still stands in its original location, although it’s currently up on blocks.
  • Tennessee’s Fall Creek Falls is the highest waterfall east of the Mississippi. Unlike the more famous Niagara Falls, no one has ever gone over Fall Creek Falls in a barrel, since barrels are considered sacred by the state’s official religion of Whiskeytarianism.
  • In Tennessee, it is perfectly legal to gather and consume roadkill. However, there IS a 7-day waiting period for buying a Buick.
  • Jack Daniel, of Tennessee Whiskey fame, showed up early for work one morning and – frustrated at being unable to open a safe – kicked it, thus breaking his toe. He later died from infection as a result of the injury. Since then, people from Tennessee always stay home and drink all morning as a safety precaution.

That wraps up the Tennessee edition of Fun Facts About the 50 States. Next week we’ll be remembering the Alamo by randomly shooting Mexicans as we visit Texas.

Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve gotta go saddle up my hog for the polo match.

[The complete e-book version of “Fun Facts About the 50 States” is now available at If you don’t have a Kindle, you can download free Kindle apps for your web browser, smartphone, computer, or tablet from]

Hey, Researchers: We Know What You’re Up To

Using Pig Latin for the name of your school doesn’t help, either.

Study Reveals Link Between Income Inequality and French Kissing
University of Abertay Dundee / February 28, 2020

Income inequality may be linked to how often people French kiss, according to a worldwide study by Abertay University.

The cross-cultural research involved 2,300 participants from 13 different countries across six continents.

Let me guess: these had to be in-person interviews?

Their study revealed that people who lived in less equal nations said they kissed their partners more often.

This correlation did not extend to other forms of intimacy such as hugging and sexual intercourse.

So, more grant money is needed!

They found that a good kiss consisted of two components — sensory factors (such as pleasantness of body odor and breath) and “technique, contact and arousal.”

It seems they have started to stray from the original subject of their research.

Straight Line of the Day: The Most Interesting Result of the Democrats’ Primaries Yesterday Is…

Straight Line of the Day: The most interesting result of the Democrats’ primaries yesterday is…

Caption This! Bring the shovel

Everyone knows the rules. Here is the picture, you supply the caption.

Random Thoughts: Biden and Super Tuesday

Does it give the left pause that their defense of Bernie has devolved into “Hey, you need to be nuanced enough to admit Hitler did some good things, too”?
There are lots of countries with literacy programs. The only reason to single out Cuba is to make excuses for its murderous and oppressive regime. Bernie Sanders is a bad person.
Someone who just shrugs about political imprisonment and murder doesn’t actually care whether you get health care or not. Bernie Sanders is just like all other politicians — it’s all about ego and power. Just keep it in mind.

An important function of liberty is to protect people from the great ideas everyone thinks they have.

Why are Democrats so focused on health care when the world is supposed to end soon from climate change?

Thought experiment: If 100 years ago, universal health care was guaranteed in this country — the best health care at the time magically available for all — but the trade off was medical innovation was slowed by 50%, how many people would that kill?

If you slow medical innovation, historical data says you’ll kill a lot of people, but the advantage is you’ll never know you did that.

You can trust the government to watch and educate your kids about as well as they do anything else.

Elizabeth Warren is such a phony she makes the millionaire socialist with three houses seem genuine.

Paul Krugman seems to be arguing that Bernie Sanders — despite calling himself a socialist for decades — isn’t really a socialist as Bernie is just so so dumb he doesn’t know what socialism actually is.
I can’t dismiss this argument.

Our 4yo daughter decided to give herself a haircut with her plastic scissors, and we have to be careful to not let her know she actually did a pretty good job.

People don’t only want to punch Nazis. They also want to punch hippies.

We have a dishonest president being reported on by an even more dishonest media and I’ve just stopped listening to anyone.

The Democrats will gain some respect from me if they stop Bernie and demonstrate they’re not just ready to roll over and die.

Knives Out was good. I had no idea where it was going.
I mean it wasn’t good enough to make up for ruining Star Wars—it would have to be the next Princess Bride for that—but it was entertaining.

Would be nice if the Democrats could find a viable candidate who wasn’t already past average life expectancy. Anyway, pay good attention to their VP nominee.

I never trusted Buttigieg since he said his name is pronounced “boot-edge-edge.” I can’t see even one “edge” in his name, and he wants me to believe there’s two in there? The guy is up to something.

“This situation we’re in seems extremely contrived.” -me, if I were in any show aimed at young children
“Also, am I only one concerned by all the things talking that should not have the ability to talk?”

With the way Bernie Bros are insulting African American voters in South Carolina, does that make them the next KKK? I don’t think anyone would argue otherwise.

“People could panic about this coronavirus.”
“I know: Let’s give everyone an impossible task to distract them.”
“So this is important: You all need to concentrate on not touching your face.”

Everyone loves Joe Biden, the guy who is not Bernie Sanders.

The hope is Biden’s amiable dunce persona will be a good antidote to Trump’s bullying, but I don’t know.

I think Joe Biden entered the Senate the year my parents were married (six years before I was born). For someone who was a mediocre Senator that long, I doubt he has the useful skill knowledge to tie his own shoes. Still, the Republic would probably survive him just fine.

It’s past time for Warren to drop out and endorse Trump.

If I ran a daycare, I’d name it something cute and ironic like “Child Punchers.”

Hey, Bernie Bros, if the DNC successfully steals the election from Bernie, you’re just going to have to swallow whatever horrible candidate they give you. You’re going to have to resist the urge to teach the DNC a lesson no matter how much your soul screams for justice.

Trump versus Biden would definitely be the least important presidential election of my lifetime.

Super Tuesday? More like “Pooper Tuesday” because all the candidates stink! #PoliticalHumor

So how insufferable will Bernie Bros become if Biden is nominated and then loses?

It does seem like a Bernie versus Trump contest would be a bit more cathartic. A bit more interesting, too.

Hey, Bernie Bros, I know you love sexism, but consider voting for Elizabeth Warren instead. She just like Bernie except younger, more coherent, and a huge phony. And she’s a lady.

Bloomberg had morphed from “the only guy who might stop Bernie” to the “the only reason Bernie might still win this.”

Remember to consider Warren as an alternative to Bernie or Biden.
And then go back to voting for Bernie or Biden because you then realize after careful consideration that she’s terrible.

I read Adam Smith’s The Wealth of Nations, and man, that was tough. It’s like 5% timeless, revolutionary wisdom and 95% how many shillings corn cost in particular decades. I think most people would be better off with the CliffNotes version.

I’m scared of guns. That’s why I keep them locked in safes that can’t be opened from the inside.

I don’t think a single person in the known universe is excited about Biden, but very large number of people are like “eh, he’s fine” about him.

As a satirist, I’m more excited about Bernie Sanders as he’s wacky and so our his supporters. Biden is just okay, though, with his incoherence and general goofiness.

The people really excited for Joe Biden are way way less annoying than the people excited for Bernie Sanders since they’re basically non-existent.

Warren is more a Native American than she is a viable presidential candidate.

The Latinx didn’t vote for Warren? What about the Bratz?

What a fun election night. Everyone I disliked did poorly and the one guy I had no strong feelings on did good.

So the majority of Democrats seemed to have a message for Bernie Bros: “Your ideas are terrible and you are terrible and we hate you all for very legitimate reasons.”
Now, will they take this as constructive criticism or lash out against their betters?

The Democratic primary is like you have a choice of desserts but it’s all weird stuff like Turkish delight and black licorice to the point you’re really happy to see vanilla ice cream as an option.


I’ve never watched Hardball. Couple of reasons. I don’t watch MSNBC for one thing. I don’t watch Chris Mathews for another. And, of course, all that comes together on Hardball. Or it did.

Chris Mathews left the show this week. From what I hear — or read, because I didn’t watch any videos or anything — he announced he was leaving, then went to commercial, and was gone when they came back from commercial.

He officially was left because of his treatment of women over time, but you and I both know that’s not why he left the show. It was because he went off the reservation regarding the left’s agenda pushing socialism.

As long as he toted the water for the hard left, they ignored his treatment of women. But, as soon as he didn’t toe the line, he was out the door.

And that’s one of the problems of the left. They don’t care what you do as long as you promote their cause. But turn away from the hard left just a little bit and your ass is grass, and they’re the lawn mower.

Stray just a little bit, and the left plays Hardball.