Friday Night Open Thread

I love Weird Al.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s Friday Night Open Thread.

What’s on your mind?

Shall We Their Fair Pageant See?

… Lord, what fools these mortals be!

A Dam Right Across the North Sea
Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research / February 28, 2020

A 475-km-long dam between the north of Scotland and the west of Norway and another one of 160 km between the west point of France and the southwest of England could protect more than 25 million Europeans against the consequences of an expected sea level rise of several metres over the next few centuries. The costs, 250-500 billion euros, are ‘merely’ 0.1% of the gross national product, annually over 20 years, of all the countries that would be protected by such a dam. That’s what Dr. Sjoerd Groeskamp, oceanographer at the Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research, calculated . . .

The authors acknowledge that the consequences of this dam for North Sea wildlife would be considerable. “The tide would disappear in a large part of the North Sea, and with it the transport of silt and nutrients. The sea would eventually even become a freshwater lake. That will drastically change the ecosystem and therefore have an impact on the fishing industry as well,” Groeskamp elaborates.

Ultimately, the description of this extreme dam is more of a warning than a solution, Groeskamp states. “The costs and the consequences of such a dam are huge indeed. However, we have calculated that the cost of doing nothing against sea level rise will ultimately be many times higher. This dam makes it almost tangible what the consequences of the sea level rise will be; a sea level rise of 10 metres by the year 2500 according to the bleakest scenarios. This dam is therefore mainly a call to do something about climate change now. If we do nothing, then this extreme dam might just be the only solution.”

Dam you, Greta!

Submitted For Your Approval: They Can’t Win If You Don’t Play

Submitted by Slapout:

Straight Line of the Day: If the Illuminati Let You Change the World, You’d…

Straight Line of the Day: If the Illuminati let you change the world, you’d…

Who sang it better?

A short poll question for everyone.

While covered many times I will go with these two for you to choose between.

Suspicious Minds. Who sang it better?

Elvis Presley

Dwight Yoakam

Who sang it better?

  • Elvis Presley (73%, 71 Votes)
  • Dwight Yoakam (27%, 26 Votes)

Total Voters: 97

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Sexy Vixens Vinyl

Britt Hume — I love watching, listening to, and reading Brit Hume — made a Joe Biden sized gaffe the other day. He posted a screen shot and forgot to close a tab that, well, he should have closed.

[source: MarketWatch]

Can you see it? Third tab. The one that says “Sexy Vixens Vinyl” is the one.

Couple of tips I’d like to share. First, if you want to search for Sexy Vixens Vinyl on your iPad, click the All Tabs icon, then click Private, then the New Tab “+” icon. Doesn’t get added to your screen history.

Next tip: if you screw up and open it in a standard tab, and you do a screen shot, go to Photos, open the image, click Edit (top right) then the Rotate/Crop icon on the left. Now you can drag down the top to trim off the tabs.

You’re welcome.

Oh, and Mr. Hume, leave the actual link to Sexy Vixens Vinyl in the comments if you would. We’d appreciate the link.

For research purposes only, of course.