Tuesday Night Open Thread

Old songs are the best. I’m not a fan of Bing Crosby songs — I’ll often change the channel when his come on the radio — but I do admit he sang some good songs. I’m just not a fan of his singing. But lots of people are and were. This one went to number one in August 1944 — for nine weeks.

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Tuesday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

Fun Fact From the 1600’s

Apparently, Robert Washington was an ancestor of George, and had a Stars & Stripes heraldic emblem that looks kind of familiar.

The Illustrated FrankJ: Caught on Hot Mics

Both created by Comrade Chairman Obama
Based on text by FrankJ:


Straight Line of the Day: The Next Cause of Mass Panic…

Straight Line of the Day: The next cause of mass panic…

Caption This! Well met stranger

Another Tuesday another caption this.

I expect every IMAOer to do his duty.

Space Lettuce

I’m kinda tired about writing about the COVID-19 thing. Maybe I’m tired because of some virus or something. I dunno.

Anyway, I thought I’d talk about Space Lettuce.

Yes, Space Lettuce is a real thing. You’d think that people that go into space are red-blooded meat eating he-men, but now they’re growing Space Lettuce. For Space Salad, I assume.

So, one day soon, Space Cooking will involve Space Vegetables to go along with the Space Steaks. Which comes from Space Cattle, I assume.

I suppose as long as we’re sending women into space, we might as well let them cook for the astronauts. Until they get all that perfected, they can still make Space Sammiches.