Friday Night Open Thread

I love Weird Al.

[The YouTube]

Two of the musicians that appeared on this song? Members of Reel Big Fish. If you haven’t heard of Reel Big Fish, you weren’t paying attention at this time last night.

Anyway, do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s Friday Night Open Thread.

What’s on your mind?

Submitted for Your Approval — Or Catwoman’s

Submitted by Gumbeaux:

Love both of these.

Song Parody: Hopelessley Demented

That’s Joe Biden on the right. He usually has that look.

(To the tune of Olivia Newton-John singing “Hopelessly Devoted” from Grease)

Yours is not the first pledge broken;

You guys are not the first to lie:

You’re not the first, you know

Just know, it’s getting overused …

You treat us just like fools who are willin’

To sit around and vote for you

But, Biden, can’t you see?

There’s nothing else at this university
To do.

Hopelessly we’re voting for you.

But, now,
There’s nothing to decide

Since you pushed Bernie aside

You’re out of your head,
Hopelessly I’m voting for you.

Hopelessly demented like you.

Hopelessly we’re voting for you.

My head is saying: “He’s a fool, forget him!”

My heart is saying: “Don’t!”
“Joe, let go!”

Hold on to the end –

… No pun intended, dude.

Hopelessly I voted for you.

[Repeat — as many times as the voting precinct will let you]

He’s Had a Lumbar Jack and He’s OK …

For a change, some positive news from the world of medicine: one less thing to be terrified of.
Of course, it wouldn’t have been discovered in a command-and-control economy…

Like Patching a Flat Tire: New Fix Heals Herniated Discs
Cornell University / March 11, 2020 /

A new two-step technique to repair herniated discs uses hyaluronic acid gel to re-inflate the disc and collagen gel to seal the hole, essentially repairing ruptured discs like you’d repair a flat tire.

After a rupture, a jelly-like material leaks out of a herniated disc, causing inflammation and pain.

The injury is usually treated one of two ways: a surgeon sews up the hole, leaving the disc deflated; or the disc is refilled with a replacement material, which doesn’t prevent repeat leakages. Each approach on its own isn’t always effective.

A collaboration led by Cornell University professor Lawrence Bonassar combined these two methods into a new two-step technique that results in a “patched” disc that maintains mechanical function and won’t collapse or deteriorate.

Endorsed by AAA-RP.

The Illustrated FrankJ: Consider the Source

Created by Comrade Chairman Obama
Based on one of FrankJ’s Random Thoughts:

Straight Line of the Day: Colorado Just Voted To Replace Columbus Day With ‘Cabrini Day.’ Other Holiday Changes…

Straight Line of the Day: Colorado just voted to replace Columbus Day with ‘Cabrini Day.’ Other holiday changes…

Colorado Passes Bill for Cabrini Day To Replace Columbus Day
UPI | March 10, 2020

Colorado lawmakers passed a bill Tuesday to replace Columbus Day with a new state holiday honoring Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini on the first Monday in October. . . . It now needs the governor’s signature to become law, and he is not expected to oppose it.

Who is the Best Bat Girl

We did the cat, now, the Bat… Girl that is. Who played her best?

Yvonne Craig

Alicia Silverstone

Who is the best Bat Girl?

  • Yvonne Craig (80%, 141 Votes)
  • Alicia Silverstone (20%, 35 Votes)

Total Voters: 176

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Poll will close on Thursday, March 19th at 9:00 pm.


Thanks, Catwoman!

I haven’t told Walrus yet. I wanted you to know first. He’ll find out soon enough. But we got a thank you from Catwoman.


Probably not.

But, we like the idea so we’re gonna say it’s legit.

Here’s what happened. We got an email via one of our contact forms that purported to be from Julie Newmar. Here, lemme show you.

Julie Newmar

Yes, that is a note from someone who claims to be Julie Newmar saying she loves our posts. Why would she say that? Well, she blew away the competition in the post by Walrus asking who was the best Catwoman. Julie Newmar (who I voted for) got 46% of the vote. Michelle Pfeiffer and the late Eartha Kitt tied for second with 12% each.

Now, I’m not showing you the IP address that was attached to the message. But I did do a location lookup, and it came back to Los Angeles, where Miss Newmar lives.

I’m also not showing the email address that was submitted… Well, I’m showing you part of it, just not the domain. But it’s an Internet Service Provider that you’d recognize.

Yes, anyone could get whatever username the ISP would allow, but with the large ISP, it leans towards legit.

I still don’t think it is legit. I think it’s a gag, but they did a good job on it.

But if it’s not, I’m quite jealous of Walrus getting a note from Julie Newmar.

I never get emails from Catwoman. The Cat Lady from the Simpsons won’t even have anything to do with me.