IMAO Time Machine: IMAO Podcast #22 03-09-06

  1. Introduction
  2. Spacemonkey in New York
  3. Harvey: Fun Facts About Massachusetts Part 1
  4. Laurence Simon’s Crappy Bedtime Story: PeTA
  5. Harvey: Fun Facts About Massachusetts Part 2
  6. World of Knowledge with Frank J: Ports
  7. American Monkey with Spacemonkey: New Olympic Sports
  8. Laurence Simon: Art
  9. IMAO goes quail hunting
  10. Harvey: Cheney’s press conference
  11. Sarah K on American Idol: The Kelly Pickler Interview
  12. FrankJ: Focus on Family
  13. Conclusion

All we have to fear is fear itself.

Oh, and don’t forget the media.

And politicians.

I know I asked the QOTW earlier today but I wanted to add this paper for your reading education.

Don’t panic I’ll offer some quotes.

“If you have a COVID-19 patient in your household, your risk of developing the infection is about 10%….If you were casually exposed to the virus in the workplace (e.g., you were not locked up in conference room for six hours with someone who was infected [like a hospital]), your chance of infection is about 0.5%”

And the key take on that,

According to Dr. Auwaerter, these transmission rates are very similar to the seasonal flu.

Newer analysis suggests that this viral rate is declining. According to Nobel Laureate and biophysicist Michael Levitt, the infection rate is declining –
“Every coronavirus patient in China infected on average 2.2 people a day — spelling exponential growth that can only lead to disaster. But then it started dropping, and the number of new daily infections is now close to zero.” He compared it to interest rates again: “even if the interest rate keeps dropping, you still make money. The sum you invested does not lessen, it just grows more slowly. When discussing diseases, it frightens people a lot because they keep hearing about new cases every day. But the fact that the infection rate is slowing down means the end of the pandemic is near.

So is the lock down really necessary?
I feel the author hits the nail on the head with his recommendations (Read the article) especially this,

Local governments and politicians are inflicting massive harm and disruption with little evidence to support their draconian edicts. Every local government is in a mimetic race to one-up each other in authoritarian city ordinances to show us who has more “abundance of caution”. Politicians are competing, not on more evidence or more COVID-19 cures but more caution. As unemployment rises and families feel unbearably burdened already, they feel pressure to “fix” the situation they created with even more radical and “creative” policy solutions. This only creates more problems and an even larger snowball effect. The first place to start is to stop killing the patient and focus on what works.

Stay healthy my friends.


The original article link goes to a page no longer there. Curious as they say. It can still be reached through a cached page but there is a link that is working.


Here is the message found at Instapundit.


I haven’t checked every number but they look plausible in the main, and match what people like Anthony Fauci are saying about things like case-fatality ratio.

Update (From Ed): After numerous flame wars on Twitter, Medium is now showing at the above URL an otherwise white page that reads “ERROR 410 This post is under investigation or was found in violation of the Medium Rules.”

However, the article can now be found at the (now Twitter-banned) Zero Hedge.

(Updated and bumped.)

Jupiter: Planet of Many Colors, Apparently

I don’t know what’s up with the colors, but I do know one can’t help but appreciate the capitalism and Star Trek attitude that got us to shoot a camera within striking distance of these striking images:



Lying Dog-Faced Poetry Soldiers

There once was a candidate, Joe,
Who put on one hell of a show:
Surreal and Obamic …

Straight Line of the Day: “May You Live in Interesting Times” Is an Old Chinese Curse. A Modern Curse Might Be…

Straight Line of the Day: “May you live in interesting times” is an old Chinese curse. A modern curse might be…

Finally, Some Humor (or Humour) Associated With This

Coronavirus: Elephants Break Into Farm in Self-Isolation and Get Drunk on Whisky
Mirror | 19 MAR 2020

A herd of elephants in China found a very fun way to make the most of people putting themselves in self-isolation.

At one farm in the Yunan province, elephants took full advantage of the situation.

The herd of 14 majestic beasts broke into a village in a bid to find food.

However, they got a cheeky extra for their efforts when they came across a huge 30kg [supply?] of corn wine.

After drinking the lot the elephants were somewhat the worse for wear.

Two males passed out, drunk, in one of the tea gardens nearby.

QOTW: Stay away from me!

I hate this sheltering in place crap. I think we are being panicked into doings things which are unnecessary and excessive to this extent. Prudent measures that should be taken for any flu season probably would have been good enough. And what of the destruction of the American economy? Is that worth it? Speaking as a person in two of the higher risk groups I don’t think so.

So I ask you gentle readers, what do you think? Was this trip really necessary?

About That Darn Cookie Notice

It’s been a pain in everyone’s butt for some time. That darn cookie notice that sometimes pops up at the bottom of the page. Or, that pops up all the time. It’s an inconsistent experience.

Here’s what it’s all about. Wait. We covered all that before. Go read about it if you want.

Short answer is that it’s an EU thing. But do we care? Well, I decided to see just how many of you are from outside the U.S. And the answer is: 18.1% of you. Our stats show that 81.9% of all visitors to the Website are in the U.S. And, if my math is right (and it is) that means that … um … carry the one … a bunch of you … are not in the U.S.

Now, to be sure, not everyone outside the U.S. is in the EU. But, a good number of you non-U.S. folks are in the EU. So, we kept that darn thing around.

But no more.

We didn’t get rid of the cookie notice, we just made it so it doesn’t pop up (or over) any more. It’s sitting there at the top of one of the sidebars.

So, no more annoying cookie pop-up/pop-over. Just an annoying box in the sidebar that won’t go away.

Happy now? Good. Now, go punch a hippie in the face. You’ll feel even happier.