Tuesday Night Open Thread

Old songs are the best. This one had a couple of hit versions in 1944. Benny Goodman garnered an Academy Award nomination for Best Original Song (for “Sweet and Low Down”). Then the Ink Spots and Ella Fitzgerald — on the same record — took it to number one in December of that year.

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Tuesday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

Poem Parody: Job & Work

Twice Brillo’ed was his nacho plate

A microcosm, yet somehow . . . 

A whimsy on the current state
Of our united states right now:

“Beware the job and work, my son!

The law that bites, the cause that frights!

Beware the media and shun

Those covetous of your rights!”

He took puerile Purell in hand –
Longtime the maximum germophobe –
So rested he ’til quarter to three,

And Skyped in his bathrobe.

He had stand-offish thoughts, and yet,

The job and work, through isolation,

Came whisking through the internet.

He burbled in frustration!

“Achoo! Achoo! It’s true!! It’s true!!”

A viral cascade on his snacks!
He left his bed, went to the head,

And came harrumphing back.

“And hast thou slaved at job and work?

Come to me, non-essential boy!

O hazard pay! Oil of Olay!”

He chortled, still employed.

Twice Brillo’ed was his nacho plate

A micro-chasm, and yet somehow

A whimsy on the current state
Of our united states just now.

Submitted for Your Approval: About the Size of It

Submitted by Gumbeaux:

Slip Slidin’ Away

Note: No jokes needed to be written for this post. Joe’s doing his own material.

What Is Really Wrong With Joe Biden?
WRVA | 3/31/20 | JEFF KATZ

During a Monday interview on MSNBC, Democrat presidential candidate Joe Biden seemed to get confused while answering a question about what he thought President Donald Trump should be doing in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

The former vice president said, “The president has to move more rapidly. You know, we know from experience that speed matters. We know that you can’t go too fast, it is about going too slow. In order to avoid that, those very high numbers, we have to do at least several things.”

Looking down at his notes, Biden continued, “One, we have to depend on what the president is going to do right now.”

Then, losing his train of thought, he said, “And first of all, he has to tell – uh uh wait until the cases before anything happens. Look, the whole idea is he has got to get in place things that were shortages of. “

Joe Biden Has Yet Another Gaffe-Filled Media Appearance
NY Post | March 31, 2020

Presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden conducted a gaffe-filled interview on MSNBC Monday, kicking off his media appearance by referring to the epicenter of the coronavirus by the wrong name.

“I suggested we should have people in China at the outset of this event, when it all started, in Luhan Province” . . .

“We had people in our administration, we had CDC people in other countries because we wanted to anticipate when in fact another virus would occur, when in fact a pandemic might occur as a consequence of a spreading virus in another country, to act quickly. The president withdrew those people,” Biden said.

As he did last week, Biden again gave the wrong date for a USA Today op-ed he penned on the virus, again claiming it was posted on Jan. 17 when it was actually Jan. 27.

The ex-VP also mixed up his drugstores and government agencies, accidentally referring to CVS as CVC.

When thanked by the MSNBC co-host for sitting down with her, Biden had another awkward remark, responding, “Well, thanks for giving me the time. So they won’t wonder where I am.”

Submitted for Your Approval: Animated Discussion

Submitted by Slapout:

Straight Line of the Day: Why Wouldn’t You Run for President?

Straight Line of the Day: Why wouldn’t you run for president?

Caption This! Smile when you bray that partner

So you know the drill, maybe even in the Biblical sense. But I don’t judge.



I’ll Buy Two

Here in the South, college football isn’t a matter of life and death. It’s much more important than that.

[The YouTube]

You either get it or you don’t. And if you don’t, I’m sorry for you.