Friday Night Open Thread

I love Weird Al.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s Friday Night Open Thread.

What’s on your mind?

Hi. How You All Doing?

Another Reality Check

May we all daily count our blessings!!

This image was taken by the government’s “National Child Labor Committee” in November, 1914.

(Shaw Cotton Mills, South Weldon, North Carolina.)

Their horrific caption:

A menace to Society. The ******** family. The entire family, including the mother, totally illiterate. No one could read or write.

The mother does mill work some.

Alice, 17 years, has steady job. Makes from $5 to $6 a week.

Alfred, 13 years now, worked here when he was 12, and in other mills before that. Makes $4 a week. Recently crippled by getting his hand caught in the cogs of a spinning machine.

Richard just reached 11. Been working here 1 year; began when he was 10. Makes $2.40 a week. “The work runs him down too.”

William, 6 years old, nearly blind.

Lizzie, 5 years old.

Home in utter neglect; filthy and bare.

When investigator called the mother had been gone about an hour, leaving a roomer’s 3 months old baby in the cradle before an open fire on the hearth, and only two children 5 and 6 years old – one nearly blind, playing around. She came back and fed them a lot of cheap candy.

What will Society reap from its neglect of this family?

Rainforests *Where*?

Traces of Ancient Rainforest in Antarctica Point To a Warmer Prehistoric World
Imperial College London / April 1, 2020 /

Researchers have found evidence of rainforests near the South Pole 90 million years ago, suggesting the climate was exceptionally warm at the time.

A team from the UK and Germany discovered forest soil from the Cretaceous period within 900 km of the South Pole. Their analysis of the preserved roots, pollen and spores shows that the world at that time was a lot warmer than previously thought.

The science was subtled.

The discovery and analysis were carried out by an international team of researchers led by geoscientists from the Alfred Wegener Institute Helmholtz Centre for Polar and Marine Research in Germany and including Imperial College London researchers. Their findings are published today in Nature.

Co-author Professor Tina van de Flierdt, from the Department of Earth Science & Engineering at Imperial, said: “The preservation of this 90-million-year-old forest is exceptional, but even more surprising is the world it reveals. Even during months of darkness, swampy temperate rainforests were able to grow close to the South Pole, revealing an even warmer climate than we expected.”

What a boom time for panthers! (And, of course, Global Coolists.)

The work also suggests that the carbon dioxide (CO2) levels in the atmosphere were higher than expected during the mid-Cretaceous period, 115-80 million years ago, challenging climate models of the period.

Fake news, either now or then. Climate models can’t be false. Or falsified. Every iceberg that sheds off Antarctica is proof of global warming, so its glaciers had to have always been there.

“Restore the Antarctic Rainforest, man! No . . . Wait. That came out wrong.”

Argentine Antarctica Has Hottest Day on Record / Feb 7, 2020

Goes to show you how far back man-kept records go.


I’d just like to reiterate:

Rainforests in Antarctica.


So: Coronavirus = Aliens?

They meant to take Wimbledon all along!

Wimbledon Canceled Due to Coronavirus Pandemic
ESPN | 4/1/20

The Wimbledon Championships have been canceled due to the coronavirus pandemic, the All England Club confirmed in a statement Wednesday.

Tech News: After Years of Development, Cyborg Madison Ready To Be Switched On To Crush Democrats, Socialists, and Any Combination Thereof

Submitted for Your Approval: What, No Masks?

Submitted by Slapout:

Straight Line of the Day: You’re a Restaurant Owner Immune to Lawsuits… What Do You Prohibit?

Straight Line of the Day: You’re a restaurant owner immune to lawsuits… What do you prohibit?


Best of Bond Villains: Pierce Brosnan

Steele yourselves and make your choice. Pierce Brosnan’s villains, and a villainess, are on tap today.


Electra King – Sophie Marceau – The world is not enough


Eliot Carver – Jonathan Pryce – Tomorrow Never Dies


Alec Trevelyan (006) – Sean Bean – Goldeneye


Gustav Graves/Col. Moon – Toby Stephen/Will Yun Lee


Who do you prefer?

  • Elektra King (55%, 60 Votes)
  • Alec Trevelyan (006) (23%, 25 Votes)
  • Eliot Carver (18%, 20 Votes)
  • Gustav Graves/Col. Moon (4%, 4 Votes)

Total Voters: 109

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Poll will close on Thursday April 9th at 10:00 pm.