Wednesday Night Open Thread

Some artists only have one really big hit. B. W. Stevenson had the first hit version of “My Maria” in the fall of 1973. And that answers a question Walrus had.

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Wednesday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

German Shepherd Reporting for Duty, Awaiting Instructions

Report To Galactic Council: We Have Dissected Planet As Instructed. Nothing Significant Found.

Vermont Vainly Scours Wilderness For Any Free Stuff That Might Have Been Left Behind by Departed Capitalists

Straight Line of the Day: Signs Joe Is Off His Meds…

Submitted by Dohtimes:

Straight Line of the Day: Signs Joe is off his meds…


The White House Press corps

Had to share. Found at Powerline and worth the watch. It encapsulates how the White House Press corps operates perfectly. And is probably why they now don’t want to televise the daily briefings any more. Watch and you’ll see why. (Spoiler alert, in risus veritas)


Best of Bond Villains : Daniel Craig

We finish up with Daniel Craig’s Bond villains.

Of course one, Blofeld, is the ultimate villain in all but we shall feature the main bad guy from the movies.

With the ending of the Bond villains we shall start up with the Bond ladies. But that’s for another day.


Dominic Greene – Mathieu – Quantum of Solace


Tiago “Raoul Silva” Rodriguez – Javier Bardem – Skyfall


Ernst Stavro Blofeld – Christoph Waltz – Spectre


Le Chiffre – Mads Mikkelsen – Casino Royale


Who do you prefer?

  • LeChiffre - Mad Mikkelsen - Casino Royale (48%, 43 Votes)
  • Ernst Stavro Blofeld - Christoph Waltz - Spectre (27%, 24 Votes)
  • Tiago "Raoul Silva" Rodriguez - Javier Bardem - Skyfall (19%, 17 Votes)
  • Dominic Greene - Mathieu Amalric - Quantum of Solace (6%, 5 Votes)

Total Voters: 89

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Random Thoughts: Democracy and Rise of the Skywalker

I’m baffled by the people acting like what’s happening exposes some sort of fatal flaw in capitalism. That’s like thinking it’s a fatal flaw that a car won’t run without gas.

Anyone who thinks rent is theft should be given a right to free housing — that housing being a little mud hut. If they complain, they should have that taken away for being a whiny entitled brat.

RE China, it’s possible to oppose Trump without being useful idiots to even worse people.

How about before you criticize people who are helping for being too Christian or criticize Mark Zuckerberg for not donating enough millions, you show receipts that you did absolutely anything to help anyone. Anything.

“Someone once said ‘Don’t try to be a great man. Just be a man, and let history make its own judgements.’”
“Who said that?”
“You did. And it’s gendered and patriarchal. That’s why in the future you’re canceled. Anyway, this is all my way of saying I hate you.”

I’m only 3 episodes into Tiger King, so maybe I’m missing something, but can’t someone make some sort of cheap “tiger chow” that’s like what you buy house cats? House cats’ diet can’t be that different.

Now seems as good a time as any to grow a mullet.

So much different with kids shows how nothing needs an origin story. Like in a show for adults, if there’s a guy with a skeleton face, you want to know how he got that way. But never once as a kid did I even think to ask any questions about Skeletor.

I’m very curious what would have happened had the first time supermarkets ran out of toilet paper, they then raised prices to meet parity with demand.
It’s weird. We’ve decided that scarcity for everyone is more moral than raising prices. But bad things happen when essentials are priced far below their actual value.

The politicians in Vermont who came up with a list of things they thought were “essential” that retailers are only allowed to sell should be put in prison for a year with instructions to spend the time figuring out what they did wrong.

I think that amount of young people who like socialism is less a failure to teach economics than a failure to teach morality. You’re not going to listen to reason when you feel that entitled.

I think the most American, patriotic act possible would be to beat a Nazi to death with a Communist.

If Hillary were president, this never would have happened. She would have used dark magic to stop the coronavirus… though later the demon lord Azeroth would extract a terrible price.

Perhaps we should rethink our relationship with super-evil governments like China’s and maybe a few others.

Probably the biggest flaw of democracy is it seems to select for sociopaths and you’ll only get someone really fit for high office by accident (like Coolidge).
The advantage of our system is though our leaders are pretty much always terrible, it diffuses their power.
The people who are really fit to lead are the ones who would never seek it out. That’s why you can only ever get good leaders in a hereditary monarchy where the leader also has no choice.
Still, our system with only terrible leaders with less power outperforms that one.
In the Book of Samuel, God warned against having any kings at all (perhaps the most libertarian part of the Bible). If only we could get that system to work. I guess we would need a judge to arise to lead us out of this pickle.

“You’re really calling the cops over that? You know what they say: ‘Snitches get stitches.'”
“Can I… can I get a different 911 operator?”

Other than all the things going horribly wrong, things are going pretty well.

If aliens attacked, do you think we’d all band together then or would there be a bunch of people going “Let’s call it the Trump Alien Attack!”?

Watched Lego Movie 2 with the kids today (part of that free HBO). I didn’t hear much about it when it came out, but it was great! I love the “Not Evil” song.

Going to tell my grandkids about the deadly flu pandemic where I had to stay at home and watch streaming TV while having food delivered.

How about as a compromise, our only retaliation against China will be to imprison President Xi, but in prison we’ll give him all the honeypots he can eat.

I told my kids their punishment was no more screens for the rest of the decade. My 9yo argued that only meant no screens until 2021, and I’m kind of proud for her being that pedantic.

As I watch reporters criticize a President Trump for not being fascist enough during a pandemic, I realize reality has now gone so ridiculous it’s no longer a comedy and instead is some weird, abstract art house film.

I think I like Pandemic Legacy Season 2 even better than the first (just finished July). While in Season 1 it could be a little boring to repeat a month as nothing big would change, big rule changes can happen at any time in Season 2.

One of the biggest causes of tension right now in Better Call Saul is you have no idea how Kim Wexler is going to react in any situation.
In a way, she’s a good match for Jimmy. But you’re also pretty certain he’s going to eventually destroy her.

I can’t take it anymore. I’ve been to the Hague. I ordered the cheese fries. They said I must have confused them with something else. What is going on?

When I put the patch on my 4yo eye to help correct her lazy eye, I call it “Fury Time” since it make her look like Nick Fury. Also, it makes her mad.
She doesn’t know who Nick Fury is.

Does it ever bother you that chimpanzees don’t have mustaches?

What’s the most dangerous animal?
What’s the second most dangerous animal?
Centaurs. Because they’re half man.

Mammals that eat ants are weird. You got an anteater that spiky and lays eggs (echidnas) and an anteater that a big chunky, scaly lizard (pangolin). So don’t eat ants or you’re going to be a weirdo.

Why don’t the Democrats just admit Biden is a powerful, unstoppable force and end the primary?

I believe all women. Unless I don’t like what they’re saying.
I have the same policy with men. And macaws.

The same people went from “Trump’s a fascist and must be stopped at any cost!” to “Whoa! You guys are getting a little touchy about suddenly losing all your rights.” pretty quick.

I think the moon is much cooler when you can see it during the day when it’s just this huge rock floating up there in the sky. At night, though, it’s this weird glowy thing.

Just got Rise of the Skywalker on DVD and my 4yo daughter is way too excited to rewatch that mess.

My 4yo daughter’s ranking of Star Wars characters:
1. Rey
2. Ben Solo
3. Leia
4. Darth Vader
5. Anakin (really? also, redundant)
6. Obi-Wan
7. Finn
8. Ashoka Tano

Though Rise of the Skywalker is a mess and makes no sense, it’s a fun mess. I guess that makes it like Return of the Jedi.


Me, probably.

So, sitting alone at home. Not afraid to go out, just not having to.

The good news is, I haven’t bought gas in … heck, I don’t remember when I last bought gas. Because workplace is all scared of the virus thing and has me working remote, I don’t need to go outside for anything. Well, to get the mail.

I do get the mail, because even though it’s mostly junk that goes straight to the trash, if my car is under the carport, and the mail starts building up, the postal worker might tell someone to go check on me, so I clean out the USPS trash can and put everything in my trash can. So, I have a purpose in life, it seems.

Shower. Shave. (Yes, still shaving.) Eat. Work. Sleep. Watch some movies. Occasional run to the grocery store.

Is this what it’s like being retired? If so, I will only need something to fill the time that I’m currently spending on work and I’m set.

I could spend that time watching the news, I suppose. Well, no I can’t since I dropped cable ten years ago. Which I still don’t miss. And don’t want to go back to. Ever.

Well, I still got some time to figure all that out. Unless during one of my trips to the grocery store, some virus-infected person shares with me and none of this really matters. We’ll cross that bridge if the road goes that way.

I don’t know what may come down the road, but for now, I really need a haircut.