Thursday Night Open Thread

Never been a fan of rap music. Of course, I’m not the target audience.

Never really been a fan of Eminem. Of course, I’m not his target audience.

Eminem has won and Oscar and some Grammys for his music, so somebody really likes it. And that’s fine. I’m just not the target audience, and it shows.

[The YouTube]

What’s been on your mind? Got something you’d like to share? A topic to discuss? It’s Thursday Night Open Thread.

Who wants to start?

Oh, No, It’s the “Be Our Guest”apo!

Disneyland Could Start Temperature Checks When Parks Reopen, Bob Iger Says
Deadline | April 7, 2020 | Jill Goldsmith

Think the lines were long already? Disney executive chairman Bob Iger said the company may institute temperature check at its theme parks once they reopen. In an interview with Barron’s, he said he thinks that might make a traumatized population feel safer once people venture out again.

“One of the things that we’re discussing already is that in order to return to some semblance of normal, people will have to feel comfortable that they’re safe. Some of that could come in the form ultimately of a vaccine, but in the absence of that it could come from basically, more scrutiny, more restrictions. Just as we now do bag checks for everybody that goes into our parks, it could be that at some point we add a component of that that takes people’s temperatures, as a for-instance,” Iger said.

Well, at least they’re not going to model themselves after China.


Iger said Disney is “studying very carefully what China has been trying to do in terms of their return to normalcy [and] … You can’t get on a bus or a subway or a train or enter a high-rise building there — and I’m sure this will be the case when their schools reopen — without having your temperature taken.”

He noted that major tragedies, including 9-11, have permanently changed the way things operate and people accept the inconvenience.

“So we’ve asked ourselves the question, let’s prepare for a world where our customers demand that we scrutinize everybody.”

Asking questions — you’re doing it wrong.

I Had No Idea There WAS a “Bologna Cardinal”

Bologna Cardinal Rejects Matteo Salvini’s Appeal for Open Churches
Breitbart | 4/6/20 | Thomas D. Williams

ROME — Bologna Cardinal Matteo Zuppi said Monday that he opposes Matteo Salvini’s call for open churches on Easter, saying that it is too “risky” and the Church has to “obey the rules.”

Salvini, the leader of Italy’s Lega party, said this weekend that people of faith should be able to care for their spiritual health as they care for their bodies.

“I support the requests of those who ask to attend Easter Mass, in an orderly, composed, and safe way, maybe even in groups of three, four, or five,” Mr. Salvini said. “You can go to the tobacconist because people can’t get along without cigarettes, but for many the care of the soul is just as fundamental as the care of the body.”

“I hope that we will find a way for believers to go to church,” he said.

Submitted for Your Approval: In the Not Too Socially Distant Future

Submitted by DBDukes:

“And it has actually almost happened already.”

Democrats Bring Biden Forward

Straight Line of the Day: With Everybody on Edge These Days, My Neighbors Really Dislike it When I…

Submitted by Windbag:

Straight Line of the Day: With everybody on edge these days, my neighbors really dislike it when I…


Song Parody: Little Ditty

Submitted by FormerHostage:

Little ditty about Jack and Diane
Two American kids growin’ up wit da Wuhan.
Jackie gonna be a football star
Diane coughed out loud in backseat of Jackie’s car

Suckin’ on chili dogs on a plate between your knees
Diane’s sittin’ on Jackie’s lap
She turned her head and gave a sneeze
Jackie say, hey, Diane
Let’s run off behind a shady trees
Peel off our N95’s
And sniff at the breeze

Oh yeah, life goes on
Even with the threat, of the deadly Wuhan

Oh yeah, life goes on
Long after the thrill of livin’ is gone

The Wuhan

Jackie sits back
Reflects his thoughts for the moment
Gives a little cough
And does his best to keep clean

Well you know, Diane
We oughta binge watch G o T
Diane says, baby
You ain’t missin’ nuth-in
Jackie, say

Oh yeah, life goes on
Long after the thrill of livin’ is gone
Oh yeah, even with the threat, of the deadly Wuhan

Gonna let it rock
I need a roll
That double ply Charmin
Soft on my ***hole
Hold on to sixteen as long as you can
We all on hard lockdown
Cuz of the deadly Wuhan

Oh yeah, life goes on
Long after the thrill of livin’ is gone
Oh yeah, I say, even with the threat, of the deadly Wuhan

Little ditty about Jack and Diane
Two American kids growin’ up wit da Wuhan.

Cartoons and Memes: Quarantined for your protection




Bye Bye Bernie

So Bernie Sanders has dropped out.

Well, at least we no longer have to worry about him getting elected and the U.S. having to deal with:

  • Long lines to get food and services
  • Empty shelves at the grocery store
  • Government telling where we can and cannot go
  • The economy in shambles

We sure dodged a bullet, huh?