Straight Line of the Day: Things You Can Say About a Pandemic, But Not About Your Date:

Straight Line of the Day: Things you can say about a pandemic, but not about your date:


  1. A little heavy breathing gets me hot. Oh wait, both do that.

    At least this flu didn’t cost me 8 bucks at the Sizzler.

    That virus won’t be disappointed when I don’t call.

    Frequent hand washing is a sign of respect, before, during, and after getting closer than six feet.

    If I knew it would be this easy I would have put on some PPE in the car.

    Hey, hope I don’t get a disease this time.

  2. I’m not putting my mouth on that.

    You’re not here to kill Grandma are you?

    My dad’s still not over you.

    No offense, but I’m not going to let you catch me.

    No worries, a little bleach and elbow grease and I’ll have every trace of you gone in no time.

  3. Things you can say about a Pandemic, But not about your date:

    The goal is to get through this with minimal exposure.

    I’ll know how it went after the incubation period.

    The dogs and cats might play a role in this, too.

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