Oh, No, It’s the “Be Our Guest”apo!

Disneyland Could Start Temperature Checks When Parks Reopen, Bob Iger Says
Deadline | April 7, 2020 | Jill Goldsmith

Think the lines were long already? Disney executive chairman Bob Iger said the company may institute temperature check at its theme parks once they reopen. In an interview with Barron’s, he said he thinks that might make a traumatized population feel safer once people venture out again.

“One of the things that we’re discussing already is that in order to return to some semblance of normal, people will have to feel comfortable that they’re safe. Some of that could come in the form ultimately of a vaccine, but in the absence of that it could come from basically, more scrutiny, more restrictions. Just as we now do bag checks for everybody that goes into our parks, it could be that at some point we add a component of that that takes people’s temperatures, as a for-instance,” Iger said.

Well, at least they’re not going to model themselves after China.


Iger said Disney is “studying very carefully what China has been trying to do in terms of their return to normalcy [and] … You can’t get on a bus or a subway or a train or enter a high-rise building there — and I’m sure this will be the case when their schools reopen — without having your temperature taken.”

He noted that major tragedies, including 9-11, have permanently changed the way things operate and people accept the inconvenience.

“So we’ve asked ourselves the question, let’s prepare for a world where our customers demand that we scrutinize everybody.”

Asking questions — you’re doing it wrong.


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