I Don’t Know: Couldn’t Come Up With a Caption for This. Any Ideas?


  1. 1.
    “Stare into that.”
    “Wow… Nietzsche was right.”

    “Are you sure it’s a hole in the ground, Bob?”
    “I dunno. It looks like my ass, Jim.”
    “It’s a hole.”
    “I agree with Tim. It’s a hole.”
    “But it could be my ass. Hard to tell.”
    “Hey Clayton, what do you think?”
    “Can’t say guys. Could be a hole; could be my ass. So hard to tell.”

    “We’ve been out here for a month, guys. So… who’s tap that?”
    “At this point… I would.”
    “Yeah, me, too.”
    “Kinda reminds me of my wife.”
    “Kinda reminds me of your wife, too, Al.”

  2. I can’t be sure until we get it back to the lab but it looks like the last rational idea the Democrats ever had. And, this is just speculation, but that looks like a bullet hole in the back of the head…. must have been a suicide.

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