Thursday Night Open Thread

This rapper names Nelly (not his real name) had a hit so big that I heard of it. Seeing as how I don’t normally listen to rap music — there are different genre that aren’t my taste, and rap is one of them — for me to be familiar with a song means it was a pretty big hit. Or I was extremely unlucky. Or both.

Anyway, this Nelly dude has done some things away from music, some good, some bad. The good includes supporting leukemia patients and bone marrow transplants, and helping to fight hunger.

He also set up some scholarships, but did it in the name of a criminal, so that’s good, with some bad thrown in.

The outright bad include not paying taxes.

The questionable include rape allegations. He wasn’t charged, so…

Anyway, he’s had some big hits, including this one.

[The YouTube]

Like I said, not really my style.

Oh, and does the intro sound more like a Neil Young song, or a Nancy Sinatra song?

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.


Trump: Sunlight can disinfect against Coronavirus.

Libs: Sunlight can’t even warm a planet without needing personkind’s help.

Submitted for Your Appproval: And Where Are We?

Submitted by Slapout:

Should We Worry About Koalas?

[Or should we worry about alarmists?]

Awww . . .


Should we worry about koalas? Absolutely! They are amazing animals and their numbers have declined to around 300,000. But they face far bigger threats such as the destruction of habitat, disease, bushfires, and invasive species. 

Think of it this way. The climate could change dramatically — and we could still save koalas. Conversely, the climate could change only modestly — and koalas could still go extinct. 

The monomaniacal focus on climate distracts our attention from other threats to koalas and opportunities for protecting them, like protecting and expanding their habitat.

As for fire, one of Australia’s leading scientists on the issue says, “Bushfire losses can be explained by the increasing exposure of dwellings to fire-prone bushlands. No other influences need be invoked. So even if climate change had played some small role in modulating recent bushfires, and we cannot rule this out, any such effects on risk to property are clearly swamped by the changes in exposure.”

Nor are the fires solely due to drought, which is common in Australia, and exceptional this year. “Climate change is playing its role here,” said Richard Thornton of the Bushfire and Natural Hazards Cooperative Research Centre in Australia, “but it’s not the cause of these fires.”

The same is true for fires in the United States. In 2017, scientists modeled 37 different regions and found “humans may not only influence fire regimes but their presence can actually override, or swamp out, the effects of climate.” Of the 10 variables that influence fire, “none were as significant… as the anthropogenic variables,” such as building homes near, and managing fires and wood fuel growth within, forests.

Climate scientists are starting to push back against exaggerations by activists, journalists, and other scientists. 

“While many species are threatened with extinction,” said Stanford’s Ken Caldeira, “climate change does not threaten human extinction… I would not like to see us motivating people to do the right thing by making them believe something that is false.”

I asked the Australian climate scientist Tom Wigley what he thought of the claim that climate change threatens civilization. “It really does bother me because it’s wrong,” he said. “All these young people have been misinformed. And partly it’s Greta Thunberg’s fault. Not deliberately. But she’s wrong.”

— Michael Shellenberger, Forbes, Nov 25, 2019

“Why Apocalyptic Claims About Climate Change Are Wrong”

Possibly It Was Space Force on After-Burners

Fireball over the Netherlands and Belgium
by European Space Agency Credit: K. Miskotte/ October 6, 2017

A bright fireball was spotted over the Netherlands and Belgium on 21 September at 21:00 CEST (19:00 GMT).

It was caused by a small meteoroid, estimated to be around several centimetres, entering Earth’s atmosphere and burning up.

And who trusts a photographer who lives in a hole in the ground?

Chinese Virus Corner

Hello all. I hope everyone is safe and healthy during the greatest crisis since a certain asteroid paved the way for our existence. Now I know that there is a lot out there about the Chinese virus but what can you trust? Who can you trust? Well, I hope it’s me. Or not, you are all smart people who can evaluate what you read and make your own deductions. To that end I offer some links to articles, analysis and commentary you may have not seen. I have found it all over the place but most of these things were pointed out to me from Instapundit, Ace of Spades, Power Line and Hot Air. All thanks to them and to the many others I can’t remember. I hope all this helps you pass the time spent locked up and let us look forward to happier days.

The Severity of the CoVID-19 Epidemic is Not as Bad as You Think, According to the Numbers.

Scientists struggle to explain how coronavirus moves through the air

Why Severe Social Distancing Might Actually Result In More Coronavirus Deaths

Genetic tracing ‘barcode’ is rapidly revealing COVID-19’s journey and evolution

So just a few articles to start. I’ll post more if people find these useful.

Hey, Walrus

Can we get another picture of Batgirl?

Too Good To Miss

In case the NSA/Democrat web searchers failed to drill down into the comments on today’s suprisingly punctual Straight Line of the Day, I want to make sure they got the humor of these surprisingly funny comments. Maybe they won’t.

Bernie Sanders is a sad and bitter man. Millions of Americans are out of work and lining up for government handouts. Businesses are failing and going bankrupt. What he’s worked toward all his life – and failed to achieve – his Chinese comrades have accomplished in just a few weeks.

– DamnCat

— But he does like the end result, which is why, just in case the economy recovers, he is planning to market a line of exotic ingredient soups.

– Tankdemon

As I said in Monday’s Straight Line, who’s that knocking at the door?

Straight Line of the Day: So, What Do You Suppose Bernie Sanders Is Up To?

(The Real) Straight Line of the Day: So, what do you suppose Bernie Sanders is up to?

Submitted for Your Approval: AlterNut Universe

Submitted by Gumbeaux:

Cartoons and Memes

Bringing the funny since at least the beginning of the year.

Submitted for Your Approval: The Rest Is Silence

Submitted by Slapout: