An Important Discussion

Over a few days, I did a really long Twitter thread discussing a topic that’s bothered me for quite some time. Here’s a link where that thread is put all on one page very easy reading. I hope you enjoy, and I’m just glad I got that all off my chest.


  1. It is weird that they feel compelled to rescue robots. I mean, people? sure, Wookies? you bet. Cats? absolutely. But why risk a living creature to save a machine. In the 1st movie preserving R2D2 was important not for the machine itself but because of the information contained within it. Having retrieved the data it becomes as replaceable as any other machine.

    Of course anthropomorphizing the robots was an important part of the storytelling and toy marketing for Star Wars. Still it seems immoral that they would take any significant risk to save a robot. There never came a time when one of the humans said “We hate to lose you, C3PO, but we need to fill you with explosives and have to walk into that hangar and blow up all those fighter ships.”? How many people might have been saved with the completely reasonable sacrifice of robots?

    What is the moral difference between R2D2 or C3PO as compared to a guided missile? The missile is a man-made object it just has different programming and a lack of a voice module. Will no one speak for the voice-less machines? Of course no one will it’s silly – much like risking a life to save a robot.

  2. Force sensitives are supposed to have some ability to see the future. Perhaps (and this would be a real BS explanation), of all the possible futures Luke could foresee, this was the only one in which everyone got out alive.

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