Best of … Favorite Planet

Let’s get astrophysical, astrophysical. We won’t be counting our home planet, no home field advantage as it were, so choose your favorite planet from the rest.

Poll will close on Monday, April 28th at 10:00 pm.


Which do you prefer?

  • Saturn (24%, 45 Votes)
  • Pluto, at least for the moment (20%, 38 Votes)
  • Mars (16%, 30 Votes)
  • Uranus (13%, 25 Votes)
  • Jupiter (10%, 19 Votes)
  • Venus (9%, 17 Votes)
  • Neptune (6%, 12 Votes)
  • Mercury (2%, 3 Votes)

Total Voters: 189

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  1. My favorite planet is Earth, yet I don’t see it on the list. Why!? It has everything on it that I need…a breathable atmosphere; beautiful scenery; mountains; oceans; lakes; rivers; sunrises; sunsets; moonlit nights. It has plenty of living space; it provides food and shelter for it’s inhabitants; mostly has four seasons; and generally is a pretty great place to live. So how come not on list? At any rate my vote goes to Earth!

  2. Venus Will Be the Brightest It’ll Be All Year on April 27
    Thrillest | 04/24/2020 | Duston Nelson

    We’re slowly approaching the night when Venus will be the brightest it’s going to be in 2020. That moment arrives the night of April 27, right around 9pm EST.

    That evening, the planet hits its greatest illuminated extent, a fancy way of saying its really damn bright.

    This is the juncture when “the illuminated portion of Venus covers the greatest square area of the sky’s dome,” writes EarthSky.

    When it’s at its brightest for the year, Venus is almost three times as bright as it is when it’s at its dimmest.

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