Best of… Which Kirk are you today?


your time.

Pick the Number that says, "This is the Kirk I am"

  • 7 (24%, 47 Votes)
  • 1 (19%, 37 Votes)
  • 9 (16%, 31 Votes)
  • 4 (11%, 22 Votes)
  • 5 (9%, 18 Votes)
  • 3 (9%, 17 Votes)
  • 8 (5%, 10 Votes)
  • 2 (4%, 7 Votes)
  • 6 (2%, 4 Votes)

Total Voters: 193

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And anyone who thinks they are Mr. Spock will be disciplined.

Polls close on April 30th at 10:00 pm.


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