Friday Night Open Thread

I love Weird Al.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s Friday Night Open Thread.

What’s on your mind?


  1. The same big government lefties who think seven-year-old children should be able to decide to to mutilate themselves through gender reassignment surgery also think that adults should not be able to decide to get a haircut.

    This economy is still strong. It’s like a thoroughbred champing at the bit behind the starting gate. Time to unleash it and see how much ground it can make up.

  2. Here’s a group I stumbled across while looking for a group that might beat Weird Al in the weirdness department. They are weird…but not the same way Weird Al is weird. In looking at them I have come to the conclusion that each and every one of them should consider themselves lucky that Corona virus is spread by bats and not by fleas………..

  3. My near-brush with greatness, or perhaps mediocrity, was that I worked at a radio station where former Late Late Show host Craig Kilborn worked during his college years–before I was there. And I was once fired by the same guy who fired “Killer.” The story goes that Kilborn didn’t appreciate the station’s Top 40 format, was tired of playing Kajagoogoo. He decided to bring some of his own records and also found some classics in the station’s attic. The boss walked in one evening, while he was having a Barry White night.

  4. Pingback: IMAO: Promoted Comment: Windbag Speaks Truth to Pouters

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