Random Thoughts: Bleach and Palpatine

A big problem with much of the left is that central to them is this pose that’s what’s motivating them is they really really care about others, but the loudest ones are such blatant a-holes it’s hard to buy that they actually care about anyone.
It’s not a small thing to make it look like Trump cares about the common man more.

If universities have these billion-dollar endowments, there’s the first place to go if you think someone else should be paying off these student loans.

You don’t actually know what’s going to happen and being really sure makes you dumb.

My main fear from the total shutdown of the economy is all the things that will happen that no one is going to predict because we’ve never done this before.

Never trust a libertarian who doesn’t make fun of libertarians.

So what are the estimates on how many this economic shut down will kill?

People claim Trump has made lots of mistakes in his handling of the coronavirus, but you tell them to name them, they just turn away and say nothing.
Oh, wait. That’s because they’re going to get their giant list.

I’m tired of all these ungrateful, whiny socialists ragging on Tom Nook and his loans. If it weren’t for him, you’d never be able to get to have a house on a deserted island in the first place.

It’s really like some journalists wake up each day going “How can I make the public less informed?”

You’d think being less horrible than Trump would be the easiest thing in the world, but going by his opponents, there is nothing more difficult. It’s even harder than not starting a new war in the Middle East.

I just realized I can only vaguely remember what Trump was impeached for. No one’s even brought it up since.
I could remember the details after thinking about it for a minute, but it wasn’t like how “Monica Lewinsky” immediately pops to mind when you think of Clinton. I don’t think the impeachment is even going to make the top 10 in most memorable things about the Trump presidency.
At least not THAT impeachment.

Some people get annoyed at how anti-Trump I am, and I understand because there are people I get annoyed at for how anti-Trump they are.
But I’m the right amount of anti-Trump. If you’re against Trump any more or any less than me, there’s something wrong with you.

I keep thinking of how effective Trump could be if he had a modicum of self-control, but then we also probably never would have heard of him.

Spending a day debating whether Trump did or didn’t tell people to inject bleach kind of does feel like things are getting back to normal.

Wait. I’m confused. Did Trump tell people to drink bleach or inject bleach? Because those are two very different things — one completely idiotic and the other absolutely brilliant.

I’m getting a little tired of people who couldn’t successfully follow an episode of Mr. Wizard talking about other people “rejecting science.”

I think everyone is going to remember this as the year Quibi was launched.

My 4yo used her allowance to buy herself a Rey doll. It’s like a Barbie doll, but comes with a gun.
Yes, I’m very happy my 4yo daughter is into Star Wars… even if it’s the new trilogy.

Everyone thought Rey’s last name was Sue, but it ends up it was Palpatine.

Was the name “Palpatine” ever said in the original trilogy? I somehow knew that name before the prequels, but I don’t remember from where.
Could the name have been on the action figure? I remember my parents mailing proofs of purchase to get me a Emperor action figure. That’s when I first learned what a “week” was in that it would take 6 to 8 weeks for it to arrive.
That brings up another old memory. I never got it, but I remember ads for how you could mail in to get an Anakin Skywalker action figure — but Sebastian Shaw Anakin. That one doesn’t really fit in canon anymore, does it?

“During these uncertain times, have a box of Cheez-Its.”

*Kim Jong Un’s sister takes over*
American Feminists: “Yas! Slay Queen!”
*Kim Yo-jong slays dissidents*

I was throwing a football around with my kids out back, and I my first thought was, “This is just like from the movie The Room.”
“Oh hai, offspring!”

I hate when my kids lie, such as saying they don’t like being tickled. They get tickled for that.

I think a difference between Kavanaugh and Biden is there wasn’t one accusation from the decades of Kavanaugh’s professional life while the accusations against Biden go along with his public creepy behavior.
Whether these accusations will matter with Biden running against Trump is another matter, but the whole thing shows the hypocrisy of the partisans who pretended to care about the accusations against Kavanaugh (if anyone doubted that).

Journalists are not “enemies of the people” — at least not all people. Democrats are people, and journalists will do absolutely anything for them.
I just mean they’re not betraying us to the ants or something.

“Fine” is a complicated word. It can mean “not great” (“How’s the food?” “It’s fine.”) or great (“fine dining”) based on context. It’s its own opposite.
“You’re fine.” can mean “You’re okay.” or “You’re beautiful.” simply based on inflection.


  1. I keep thinking of how effective Trump could be if he had a modicum of self-control, but then we also probably never would have heard of him.

    You take the good, you take the bad,
    you take them both and there you have
    The facts of life, the facts of life.

  2. I just realized I can only vaguely remember what Trump was impeached for. No one’s even brought it up since.

    I think it had to do with origami? I’m pretty sure people talked a lot about cranes.

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