Friday Night Open Thread

I do love Weird Al.

[The YouTube]

Same song, official release, music only.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.


From YouTube, so take it with a grain of salt:

dedicated in 1802 to his pupil, Countess Giulietta Guicciardi. “The change that has taken place in me now is caused by a sweet, wonderful girl who loves me and is loved by me.” – wrote Beethoven.

She married someone else.

At a Minimum

Submitted by Slapout:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

They’d Love To Hide This One

I’m looking at a photocopy of the front page of the New York Times from November 15, 1940– a photocopy, which they can’t simply delete from the internet:

Hitler Says Reich Must Be Model ‘Socialistic’ State

BERLIN, Nov. 14 – Reichsfuehrer Adolph Hitler told behind-the-lines workers today that Germany’s greatest post-war duty would be to serve the world as a “model” socialistic State.

But Bernie, Joe’s handlers, and Elizabeth Warren will surely get it right this time — they’re just so gosh-darn smart and ethical.

By the Way, Mini-Golf Millionaires…

Thanks awfully much for making me look like a spaz in front of girls I was trying to impress — eighteen times in one night — at my own cost.

Balls not shown. Thanks to windmillionaires.

IMAO Interns Leaving Work After a Full Day

If Dems Had Founded This Country

Submitted by Gumbeaux:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

I’m Sorry — Someone From IMAO Hasn’t Met You Yet? Please Wait Right Here And I’ll Find Out What The Hold-Up Is…


Submitted by Slapout:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

Spam = Comedy

Dear God, I hope I’m not encouraging them by cutting and pasting.

stable to extremes ambient temperature air and exposure of the sun.

Vya our furniture excellent retains its functions even in restaurant in open spaces . In the presented online catalog you offered photos furniture for dining room, hall, bedroom, children’s room , as well as intended for organization of storage area – dressers and cabinets, cabinets and others . In our store in Fairfax you can buy everything for any your home not expensive . We invite client come to store , holding in Westwood what cares about its shopper.

– presented by Oppo, not holding in Westwood, what cares not about its shopper.

Shalom, Mike here.

Your website and business look great and both seem well established.

I am messaging you today to compliment your business + to give you a headsup about the unreasonably low pricing I am charging (for a limited time) to new clients . . .

Can anyone here identify what Mike did wrong? Anyone? You, in the back — I hope you brought enough gum for everyone.

She Went There

Submitted by Gumbeaux:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

Stick To a Routine

Submitted by Slapout:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

Roundup (The Poisonous Kind)

Submitted by Gumbeaux:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

Darned Comparisons

Submitted by Slapout:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

Franklin, My Dear, I Don’t Give a Damn

Submitted by Gumbeaux:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.