Midnight Special

Emerging from the punk rock movement this group was a leading element for the New Wave. Fronted by Debbie Harry tonight’s group is Blondie.

American punk rock band Blondie, 1979. From left to right, guitarist Frank Infante, guitarist Chris Stein, bass player Nigel Harrison, singer Debbie Harry, keyboard player Jimmy Destri and drummer Clem Burke. (Photo by Maureen Donaldson/Getty Images)

And on that note. Goodnight all and see you next week for another Midnight Special!

A Non Political Toon

Title and image submitted by Gumbeaux:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.


Fine way of telling, and good piece of writing to obtain data about my presentation subject matter, which i am

Clearly not writing about IMAO

Murder Hornet!

Title and image submitted by Gumbeaux:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

Straight Line of the Day: Your First Robot May Be a Fandroid, But Your Second Robot …

Straight Line of the Day: Your first robot may be a fandroid, but your second robot …

This Way to the IMAO Restrooms. Someone Will Be With You Shortly.

I know it looks kind of shabby, but we’re looking to tear it down and renovate.

Random Thoughts: Superego and Masks

It’s weird how an appeal to “science” has become a substitute for thinking.
“Science said to do this, so we don’t need to discuss the matter any further.”
That’s not… that’s not how science works.

If you think science tells you to take a particular policy position, you don’t know what science is.

This all comes back to something I’ve said before: There’s no such thing as a non-religious human being. The dichotomy is organized and disorganized religion.

I’m about a 1000x more interested in seeing Phil Lord’s and Christopher Miller’s original take on the Solo movie than the Snyder Cut.

“Did you know there’s a slightly less mediocre version of a mediocre movie?”
I’m about as baffled as to why I’m supposed to care about the Snyder Cut as I am about why I’m supposed to care about what Greta Thunberg has to say.

While Winchester is still a baby, being a dad of someone with Down syndrome feels like a delayed thing. I don’t know if I’m ready for people to look at him differently.
Maybe it will help to have a weird dad. People can look at me differently too.

My big advice on how to be happy and rich is first learn to be happy then get rich. It’s a huge mistake to try to do it in the other order.

It’s a few days late for his birthday, but I got my 7yo son a Baby Yoda doll. I have redeemed myself as a father.

As much as I don’t care about the Snyder Cut and have no intention of subscribing to HBO Max, I actually feel really happy for all the people who were looking forward to it as I really did think it was never going to happen. I hope it’s everything you want it to be.
I just assume it’s going to be a slightly-less mediocre version of what we got.

Costco had a limit on bacon — one per customer. We need to end this soon.

Pro Tip: So you never have to worry about mixing up “your” and “you’re” or “there”, “their”, and “they’re”, just use “yar” and “thar” in all cases.
Yar welcome.

The trailer for the next Christopher Nolan movie looks pretty cool—and usually the trailers make his movies look boring but I go see them anyway because Christopher Nolan.

Every bad conservative idea was once a bad liberal idea that the conservatives of the time didn’t work hard enough to stomp down.

Christopher Nolan makes scifi look so prestigious while still keeping it accessible to a wide audience.

There’s at least as much evidence that Biden is a racist as there is of Trump.

Instead of demeaning yourself to support a candidate, you could just not support a candidate.

We need to get Biden direct access to Twitter like Donald Trump.

If you’re looking at politics with any other expectations than “How do I get the most entertainment value out of this?”, you’re going to be severely disappointed.

After you read Superego: Fathom, make sure to be a cool dude and write a review. I read every review, so this is your chance to be read by me. I’ll even give you tips so you can write better reviews of my books.

Masks are for sissies. When I rob a bank, I want them to see who did it. Yeah, I took your money, and if you want it back, come at me—but it ain’t gonna turn out well for ya!

Did Biden’s statement mean he plans to murder any black person who doesn’t vote for him?
Should the military be sent to stop him?
We should consider it.

Last time I wore a mask, I got a big bag of candy. If you want me to wear a mask, give me candy. That’s my policy.

We should reopen the economy so everyone has more money to buy my books. Just put your hands over your mouths so you don’t give each other the ‘rona.

Man, marketing is hard. Just buy my book, ya dummies!

Man, marketing my books is annoying. It’s like trying to force-feed a dog steak. “You’re really going to enjoy this and thank me for it later, you stupid mutt!”

I decided I finally needed to trim my beard, but I took off too much. I’m so new to this. I’m just learning my optimal beard length, and apparently it’s much longer than 7mm.
I have never tried to grow it out before. I just assumed it would only be a patchy mess, but I found out it actually fills out nicely after a certain point. I’m just learning how to maintain it. My father never had facial hair, so I’ve received no instructions on it.

I don’t identify as a libertarian, but I don’t think I have any views left that disqualify me as a libertarian.

Kids’ tee-ball was finally canceled. They were going to finish the spring season in June (it’s been on pause since Spring Break), but they just announced it’s canceled. We’ll see what happens come fall ball time.

I still don’t get those people who think it’s wrong to be a landlord. How over-privileged do you have to be to think you deserve housing for free?
Like what kind of free housing? A mud hut? Or do you think you deserve electricity and indoor plumbing—things 99% of people throughout human never had.
Bunch of spoiled rich kids who convinced themselves they deserve all their luxuries.

The only one taking money from you for your housing who doesn’t deserve it is the government.

Internet, plentiful food, modern medicine, electricity, indoor plumbing—you don’t deserve any of those things. Those are thing you magically got by being born in the modern era, but no one owes them to you. You start thinking you deserve them, you’re going to lose them.

Superego is my attempt at serious writing, but I think my seriousness level tops out at like an episode of Firefly.

I’ll say the same thing about Trump golfing I said about Obama golfing: There isn’t anything I’d rather them be doing.
In fact, if we had a president who did nothing but golf, he’d be the best president since Coolidge.

“Hmm. Should I vote for the obnoxious garbage fire or should I vote for the side that’s made it clear they despise me and want bad things to happen to me?”
Democracy is fun.

My 4yo daughter suddenly exclaimed the other day: “Uh oh. I think I hate the government.”
Way too young for her to suddenly become a libertarian.

Winchester loves pulling himself to standing now. And climbing. If the stairs aren’t blocked, he is gone.
And he thinks the word “No!” is a very funny word. And the louder we yell it, the funnier.

My older son drew me this. I asked what his methodology was to determine I’m the number one dad, but he didn’t have a good answer.
I don’t think this is official.

Much better would be to give me something that said “#23 Dad.” That would have made it seem like there was an official ranking and I ranked really high.

Was it late on a Friday when they named the essential vitamins?
“They’re called uh… vitamins A, B, C, and D. Let’s go get beers.”

I don’t know what you say on Memorial Day. It’s certainly not “Happy Memorial Day.” It’s more of a reflective day. Now, I always think of my father who passed away in 2012 from ailments associated with Agent Orange exposure.
I hope with current circumstances, we’d be a bit more reflective on how our current civilization is not some guaranteed thing we all get automatically but is something bought with much work and sacrifice. All that’s required of most is simply to appreciate that.

If you want some free reading, you can check out Superego: Personality Test, a short story prequel to Superego focusing on fan-favorite Dip, Rico’s AI personal assistant.

I’ve never gotten in a twitter argument. I just make arguments that are just too powerful for people to disagree with me.

As much as I like writing short humor pieces, I think novel writing is my favorite. There’s nothing quite like getting a whole plot to come together with barely having anyone at all act completely out of character.

I’m excited for SpaceX. It’s nice to have something forward-looking right now.
Maybe my son can grow up to be a commander in Space Force and fight… I dunno, rocks like in that game Asteroids.
But seriously, I got four kids and I’m tired of all the great stories about space ending with “Ask Grandma about it.”

I don’t really get the mask resistance. If wearing masks helps make people comfortable about opening up sooner, then it’s a no-brainer to me.
It seems like the people arguing masks don’t do anything would be those wanting the entire country to stay closed.

“The virus is still out there and it’s going to kill us!”
“Nah, man. I got this piece of cloth. We’re good now.”

To me, wearing a mask just seemed like a nice thing to do as we start to open up and make sure infections are still falling, but apparently it’s become this dumb political thing.
I’m one of those who thought people were too docile in the whole “Hey, we’re shutting everything down, including churches!” which I don’t think the government has the authority to do, but I hope we all choose to do things that make it easier for each other to get through this.

I don’t see this Twitter fact-checking tweets leading in a good direction unless they just red-flag every single tweet by a politician.

Can’t wait for Twitter to flag a lie from a politician on the left and then see a bunch of people on the left squeal like stuck pigs.

I can’t believe Trump finally said something on Twitter that wasn’t true.

I just don’t get how anyone at Twitter thought singling out Trump’s tweets for fact checks will do anything other than end poorly.

Trump oversees a booming economy.
Trump oversees a crashing economy.
Trump starts a war.
Trump brings about world peace.
Trump cures cancer.
Trump downs a puppy for fun.
I think we know by now none of these things will move his approval rating more than 2-3 points.

Something that was pretty sad to me was seeing someone in Hong Kong pleading with Trump to do something, saying he’s their only hope. I’m glad that in the U.S. we never have to rely on the U.S. president for anything.
That said, I hope Trump steps up. That would be nice.

Paging Karen

Submitted by Slapout: