Best Version : NEW!

Hi gang we got another new “Thing” fer ya. I’m giving you 3 versions of the same song and you the viewer decide which is the best version. Also, keep your seats for this, you will also have the “None of the above” option! Yes, you can now express your disgust with the choices. I hope you are entertained.

Now don’t complain that you would have picked someone else’s version. These are what you get so get down with your nasty self and enjoy them.

Today’s song is “Suspicious Minds” and your artists are..

  • Elvis Presley
  • Dwight Yoakam
  • Fine Young Cannibals

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Which do you think is the best version?


  1. Elvis was the better showman for sure. But I’ve never cared for recorded versions of live. I used to actually hate all live performances until I realized what I really hated were the awful-quality recordings of live performances. Live is good when actually live but never as good (often awful) once recorded.

    And I’ll second the motion for this to be a regular feature.

  2. I had to vote for None of the Above. I prefer Elvis’ studio recorded version. My experience is most people prefer the version of any song that they heard and got familiar with first. For example, my favorite version of The Loco-Motion is the one done by Grand Funk. I didn’t know it was a remake until someone else remade it, and I discovered it had been done before GF by a group with a female singer (and they might not have been the original).

  3. … and, of course, Elvis and Willie Nelson and someone else doing “You Were Always on My Mind.”

    Fair warning: I can’t pick one of those two versions over the other. Though Willie should get the nod for writing it.

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