Breaking — Er, Broken — News

A guy you’ll hear more of vs. a guy you’ll hear less of

Maryland Gov. Hogan Tangles with David Hogg Over Support for Police, Investment in Minority Communities
Foxnews | 07/31/2020 | Tyler Olson

Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan, a Republican, got into a tense exchange with former Parkland student and gun control activist David Hogg at a Harvard Institute of Politics event Thursday night over Hogg’s accusation that Hogan cares more about investing in police than helping minority communities.

Hogan, amid rumors he is considering a 2024 presidential run, is promoting his new book “Still Standing” in which he touts his handling of the Freddie Gray riots in 2015, frames himself as a strong backer of police and as an ally of minority communities. In his book, Hogan portrays his relationship with the Black communities in Baltimore positively, saying they appreciate that he has sought to stop the violence there and that he takes the time to listen to their grievances — he says former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie gave him advice that he needed to be a “consoler-in-chief” after the Freddie Gray riots.


Never mind. I just looked at Hogan’s photo, and he is anything but photogenic.

I do acknowledge he has a very skilled and aggressive public-relations team, though. Who else is “considering a 2024 presidential run” as “consoler-in-chief” already?

Plus these bull***t points in the first two paragraphs:

* Hogan cares more about investing in police

* an ally of minority communities

* his relationship with the Black communities in Baltimore positively

* they appreciate that he has sought to stop the violence there

* he takes the time to listen to their grievances

Well done, Madison Avenue!


Plus, I kind of like the sly implication, via parallelism and syntax, that David Hogg is a former gun control activist. Haven’t heard a lot from him lately, have we?


  1. Perhaps Dick “stolen valor” Blumenthal could use Hogg during his next foray into more red flag gun control with my senator (and noted hack) Lindsey Graham Two Point Zero.

    Speaking of Two Point Zero, we haven’t had so much as a hint about another possible investigation into something in almost a week. Guess he’s waiting for the Sunday show with Bartiromo to advance the notion as always. Maybe it’ll be on tick tock Hannity’s show…

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