A must watch, especially before it gets “Community Standardized”

A must watch video that the left wants to censor because it presents facts and truths that harshes their narrative.

Hope it isn’t pulled, again. Go to…


For the story.

“Now, Look, Any More Posts About Emus Tonight, and I’ll Shut This Site Down. I Mean It!”

Un-Passengered, Too, In My Case

NASA Chief: Uncrewed Aircraft ‘Safer’
AINonline / Mark Hube / July 27, 2020

NASA administrator Jim Bridenstine shared the agency’s vision for urban air mobility (UAM) at last week’s EAA Spirit of Aviation virtual event.

“You can actually make the argument that in the future it’s going to be safer to fly an uncrewed aircraft than crewed aircraft,” he said while outlining NASA’s related programs. Bridenstine, a former congressman and U.S. Navy F-18 pilot, pointed out that sophisticated detect-and-avoid technologies, including 360-degree sensors aboard future autonomously piloted aircraft, will provide “better capabilities than what a human has” when it comes to avoiding midair or terrain collisions. “I know it sounds crazy, but it is absolutely true,” he said. 

— Eerily echoing a proposed Biden campaign slogan.

Bridenstine said current air traffic control infrastructure “is not going to be able to manage” UAM—which he called “advanced air mobility”—as currently envisioned with “thousands of unmanned aerial systems operating [at] 400 feet and below and each of those…systems doing dozens of missions in a given day. That’s a very congested airspace. So what you’re looking for here is the development of an autonomous system.”  We need to develop the autonomous system that factors in air space, traffic corridors, route planning, interaction with manned aircraft, terrain avoidance, wind and weather, and the ability not only for the aircraft to be capable of dynamic rerouting, but also use of dynamic airspace, where the boundaries change to accommodate traffic, he said.  

— Ignoring the track record humans have had with trains, so far. . .

. . . computer glitches, malicious hackers . . .

Bridenstine said NASA’s continuing investment in and advancing of  “leap-ahead” technologies such as UAM, more fuel-efficient propulsion, advanced aerodynamics, and low-boom supersonic research were essential components for keeping “American aeronautics preeminent in the world” . . .

By way of example, he said the X-59 low-boom demonstrator, developed in cooperation with Lockheed Martin, is intended to prove the efficacy of supersonic flight over land with “such a little boom that it doesn’t disrupt anybody on Earth.”

— Eerily describing the latest Biden press release.

America Bans Cats for ‘Bad Behavior’

(Well, it could happen.)

‘Emus Have Been Banned’ For Bad Behavior, A Hotel In Australia’s Outback Says
NPR | July 28, 2020 | Bill Chappell

“Emus have been banned from this establishment for bad behavior,” a sign now states at the stairs leading to the hotel’s pub. The message asks any human visitors to replace the “emu barrier” when they enter.

“We put the sign up, but we’re not quite sure whether they’re able to read or not,” hotel co-owner Gerry Gimblett says in an interview with 10 News First Queensland. “So, we’ve had to put a bar across there, as well.”

I Don’t Care if it Turns Out To Be Fake News; It’s Far Better Than the News From Portland

Australian Pub Bans Emus for ‘Bad Behavior’
UPI | July 28, 2020| Ben Hooper

July 28 (UPI) — A pub in the Australian outback has banned a pair of beloved local emus from the establishment for improper acts, including stealing food and defecating on the floor.

The owners of the Yaraka Hotel in Yaraka (permanent population 18), Queensland, posted a sign at the entrance of the pub stating that the town’s local emus, Kevin and Carol, no longer are allowed inside.

“Emus have been banned from this establishment for bad behavior,” a sign at the door reads.Gerry and Chris Gimblett, the business’ owners, said they had to ban the emus after the large birds learned to climb the front steps.

“They’ve been stealing things from the guests, especially their food. They’d stick their heads in and pinch toast out of the toaster,” Gerry Gimblett told Guardian Australia.

“But the main reason we’ve banned them is their droppings. They’re enormous, very large and very smelly, and they created great stains,” she said.

The Gimbletts said they installed a rope barrier outside the pub and a sign asks customers to remember to close the rope after entering to prevent the emus from following.

“They still hang around each gate, hoping that they’ll be able to slip in when someone opens it up,” Chris Gimblett told the Australian Broadcasting Corp. “But so far we are winning the war.”

Song Parody: Tell Me What To Think

A less-played song by the Beatles on the British “Help” album, but not on the American album, and not in the movie: “Tell Me What You See”


If you let me take your arms

I will prove to you

We will never let gendarmes

Be apart from you


Open up your eyes now

Tell me what you see

“It should be no surprise now”



Big and black the crowds may be

This will pass away

I’m afraid that Antifa

Will make white affray

Pepper-spray these eyes now

Hell, we closed U.C.

Pepper-spray away now

What you call “Zhe” is me


Tell Me What To Think!


♫  ♫ ♫  ♫


Look at all these barricades

How can I get through?

Can’t you try to see that I’m

Tryin’ to ghetto you?


Hopin’ to arise now

Chicks don’t seem to see

No element of surprise now

Won’t you CS me?


Tell Me What To Think!


♩♩♪ ♩♩♪

If You Have Lawyers

Submitted by Fnord:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

PC or Not PC? Lone Ranger Safe for Now, Because “Masked” and “Man” Cancel Each Other Out

SJWs pause and scratch their heads: Clarifying his relationship with Tonto should tip the scales in one direction or the other.

Straight Line of the Day: So Just Exactly What IS Joe Biden Doing in the Basement?

Straight Line of the Day: So just exactly what IS Joe Biden doing in the basement?

Welcome to IMAO: Looks Like You Missed the Orientation Lecture, But It’s All Covered in This Pamphlet

Cartoons and Memes

Hopefully the submitters haven’t beaten me to it.

Does It Still Fly O’er the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave? (Play Ball!)

Submitted by Slapout:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

Midnight Special

It’s Wednesday so time for another special guest. Tonight’s performer, sadly, is no longer performing due to illness. Also, sadly, she is a crazy leftist but damn can she sing. [And before you yahoos start complaining on why she isn’t in the rock babe contest…patience grasshoppers]

Tonight we feature…

Linda Ronstadt

I Believe We Could All Use a Midweek Midnight Special …

Tuning up

Two of Today’s Quotes From Trump You Won’t See on the Nightly News

Remarks by President Trump Before Marine One Departure
whitehouse.gov | July 29, 2020

Q    Do you regret tweeting about that doctor, Mr. President?  Do you regret tweeting about that doctor yesterday?

THE PRESIDENT:  Regret what?

Q    Stella Immanuel, the doctor — do you wish you had not retweeted that?

THE PRESIDENT:  I was very impressed with her and other doctors that stood with her.  I think she made sense, but I know nothing about her.  I just saw her on — you know, making a statement with very respected doctors.  She was not alone.  She was making a statement about hydroxychloroquine with other doctors that swear by it.  They think it’s great.  So she was not alone.

Fake news CNN made it like, “Oh, I said this, I said that.”  She was with a whole group of people.  And you ought to tell your network the reason their ratings are so bad is because the coverage is so false.  If CNN would be honest — and that goes for MSDNC also.  But your network is so dishonest in its coverage on just about everything, and there’s an example.

I was very impressed by her.  Know nothing about her; I had never seen her before.  But certainly you can put her up and let her have a voice.  So what they did is they took down their voice.  Now, they seem to never take down the other side.  They only take down conservative voices.  It’s a shame.

And with hydroxy, all I want to do is save lives.  I don’t care if it’s hydroxy or anything else.  All I want to do is save lives.  If we can save lives, that’s great.

Now, one thing: We’re doing very well on vaccines and very well on therapeutics.  So that’s very important.  But I happen to be a believer in hydroxy.  I used it.  I had no problem.  I happen to be a believer.  Many, many people agree with me.  A great test just came out from the Ford clinic in Michigan — very respected.  We’ll see how it is.


THE PRESIDENT: And as far as Portland is concerned, we’ve taken a very strong stand.  They are anarchists.  They’re radical, crazy people.  And they’re either going to straighten it out for themselves — Portland, the police — and maybe if the state gets involved; that means the governor and the mayor.  But they’re very weak people.  They’re very weak people.  These radicals, these anarchists are controlling the governor and this mayor.

The mayor went into a rally — it wasn’t accurately reported by CNN, by NBC.  The mayor went into a rally.  He thought he’d be their buddy.  They excoriated him.  They excor- — what they did to him was incredible.  Lucky he had five bodyguards.  But they excoriated him.

NBC — I didn’t see CNN because I don’t watch CNN.  NBC absolutely covered it like he was their big buddy.  No, he was in great danger of dying.  He would have been dead if he didn’t have his bodyguards.

These are bad people.  These are anarchists.  They’re agitators.  And either they do something or we’re going to do it.

In the meantime, our purpose there is only to protect our federal buildings, which we’re doing with no problem.  I mean, they’re nasty and they’re vicious people, but our people are very powerful people.  Very powerful.

And either they’re going to clean up Portland soon or the federal government is going up and we’re going to do it for them.  So either they clean out Portland — the governor and the mayor, who are weak — either they clean out Portland or we’re going in to do it for them.

Okay, thank you very much.


By the way, one quote from Joe Biden yesterday that you won’t see, either:

As Biden opened the press conference, he said: “Welcome to Kingswood Community Center, everyone.”

Just one problem. He was in the William “Hicks” Anderson Center.

Catching his mistake, the oft-confused candidate momentarily got that all-too-well-known Joe Biden deer-in-headlights look on his face. “Actually, that’s the one down I [sic] used to work.” “It was a joke,” he said, nervously laughing. “I didn’t know where we were.”

Joe Being Joe: Biden Finally Does Presser, Awkwardly Only Takes Questions From Pre-Approved List of Reporters
RedState | July 29, 2020 | Mike Miller