Tuesday Night Open Thread

Frank Sinatra had quite a few hits, but his first actual solo number one hit didn’t come until September 1946 with this hit record.

[The YouTube]

This song was number one for a total of four weeks, with two different stints at the top. Yes, I know this may conflict with some earlier trivia I offered, but it appears that resource was flawed. I’ll be looking back over those and issuing corrections as needed.

It’s quite frustrating to find a normally reliable resource is in error, and this is one of those times. However, I feel quite confident with my statement that this song was Sinatra’s first solo chart topper. I’ve ordered actual copies of all the Billboard Top Ten charts from the 1940s to ensure that my information about them is correct going forward, and, as I said, I may have to issue corrections. I hate having to do that.

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

Weed Them Out

Submitted by Slapout:

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Raise Your Tentacle to the Sky!

Title and image created by Les:

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High-Tech Pliars Unable To Escape Box: More Funding Needed

It’s Still Learning

Submitted by Windbag:

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Next week: The Iliad and the Otis-y.

Do the Math, Man!

Submitted by Slapout:

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Worth a Shot

Submitted by Gumbeaux:

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Straight Line of the Day: According to Dohtimes, in 2020 We Are Officially Now a 50’s B Movie. We Just Need a Title: …

Straight Line of the Day: According to Dohtimes, in 2020 we are officially now a 50’s B Movie. We just need a title: …

Welcome to IMAO. Please Pick a Bungalow and Settle In: It May Be Awhile Before Someone Gets To You.

Oh, and don’t mind the floodwaters. Everything’s on the second floor.

Caption This!

Okay folks it is time for, you know, the thing.

Corona-er’s Report

Submitted by Slapout:

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