Friday Night Open Thread

I love Weird Al.

[The YouTube]

Yes, I know this isn’t a parody of “Learn To Fly,” but it is a Foo Fighters style parody. That’s why I simply picked a Foo Fighters song I enjoyed, that had a video I enjoyed, for last night.

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.

Portland Police Deploy Elephants To Quell Riots

Police elephant disarms laser-weilding rioter.

“You see, it’s not us using lethal force, so we’re in compliance with the mayor’s orders,” the chief said.

Elephants excel at camouflage. See if you can spot the elephant in this picture! If you can, you’re better than a laser-weilding rioter!

Pro Portions

Submitted by Gumbeaux:

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Noways Hired

Submitted by Slapout:

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Lonely Astronomer Discovers Image of Woman’s Hip on Venus

“Looked at another way,” he continued, “it also sort of resembles a breast.”


And in other headlines:

Emu Seized in Pre-Dawn Raid, With CNN Taping

… “He’s one of those vestigal right-wing conspiracy nut jobs planning on overthrowing our democracy and taking over the world monetary system, as directed by Illumnati lizard-alien overlords,” Jermin explained.

The emu was released without bail, as he is not considered a flight risk.

If They Don’t Vote for Me, They Ain’t Felons!

Title and image submitted by Gumbeaux:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

The Folger’s Crystals of Politics

Submitted by Slapout:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

Astaireway to Heaven

Submitted by Veeshir, via Odd Stuff magazine:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

Good Luck Catching Him!

Title and image submitted by Gumbeaux:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

Actual Quotes

Submited by fnord:

Le twat, c’est moi.

Smart Kid!

Title and image submitted by Gumbeaux:

If you have content you’d like to submit, please use our submissions page.

Here’s Your Flying Car, All Right?

Can a land speeder be far behind?

Urban Aeronautics Launches Plan for EMS CityHawk VTOL
Charles Alcock / ainonline / August 20, 2020

Urban Aeronautics is partnering with Hatzolah Air to jointly offer an emergency medical service (EMS) version of its planned CityHawk VTOL aircraft. The company is aiming to complete certification of an initial hybrid-powered aircraft within three to five years, with a hydrogen-powered version set to enter service after 2028.

Under a memorandum of understanding signed on August 19, Hatzolah Air, which is a U.S.-based EMS operator, will help Israel-based Urban Aeronautics to develop, produce, and market the CityHawk in the emergency response market. According to Hatzolah Air president Eli Rowe, there is a potential market for 800 of the EMS version of the aircraft.

The main passenger-carrying design for the CityHawk will be adapted to accommodate a pilot, a patient plus a companion, along with two emergency medical personnel and life support equipment. The aircraft is to be powered by Urban Aeronautics’ Fancraft ducted fan technology developed for the company’s existing Cormorant unmanned aircraft, which is intended for missions such as carrying cargo. It is expected to have a range of around 125 miles, although a hybrid-powered version could extend this to 175 miles and this could be ready to fly by early 2023.


Japan’s ‘flying car’ gets off ground, with a person aboard / August 28, 2020


Tomohiro Fukuzawa, who heads the SkyDrive effort, said he hopes “the flying car” can be made into a real-life product by 2023, but he acknowledged that making it safe was critical.

“Of the world’s more than 100 flying car projects, only a handful has succeeded with a person on board,” he told The Associated Press.


“Many things have to happen,” said Sanjiv Singh, professor at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, who co-founded Near Earth Autonomy, near Pittsburgh, which is also working on an eVTOL aircraft.

“If they cost $10 million, no one is going to buy them. If they fly for 5 minutes, no one is going to buy them. If they fall out of the sky every so often, no one is going to buy them,” Singh said in a telephone interview.

Straight Line of the Day: Overheard in a Conversation Between God and Man: …

Based on Jenos Idanian’s creative idea.

Straight Line of the Day: Overheard in a conversation between God and man: …

Looking Right at You, Karl Marx

“A man who writes an immoral but immortal book may be tracked into eternity by a procession of lost souls from every generation, every one to be a witness against him at the judgment, to show to him and to the universe the immeasurableness of his iniquity.”

— George B. Cheever

Welcome to IMAO: By the Way, Have You Ever Seen “The Shining”?