Biden Emerges For Debate!

So what in hell is this idiot babbling about now?

“And by the way, what you all know, but most people don’t know, unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community, with incredibly different attitudes about different things”, Biden said, receiving a slew of backlash for his wording.

During that same interview, Biden stunned Garcia-Navarro’s co-interviewer CBS News’ Errol Barnett when he made the comment ‘Are you a junkie?’

‘Mr. Vice President, your opponent in this election, President Trump, has made your mental state a campaign topic,’ Barnett posed. ‘Have you taken a cognitive test?’

‘No, I haven’t taken a test. Why the hell would I take a test?’ Biden said to Barnett during the interview, which aired in full Thursday, but clips were released Wednesday.

‘Come on man. That’s like saying, before you got in this program, did you take a test where you’re taking cocaine or not. What do you think? Huh? Are you a junkie?,’ the presumed Democratic nominee added with a laugh.

Barnett appeared confused by the response.

‘What do you say to President Trump, who brags about his test and makes your mental state an issue for voters?’ Barnett asked.

‘Well, if he can’t figure out the difference between an elephant and a lion, I don’t know what the hell he’s talking about,’ Biden said.

Daily Mail UK | 08/07/2020


  1. I heard that during that interview Biden caught and actually ate a live lizard! However the networks censored it and Biden supporters claim that if he ate anything it was probably a Snickers bar.

  2. “We can build a new administration that reflects the full diversity of our nation. The full diversity of Latino communities. And when I mean full diversity, unlike the African American community and many other communities, you’re from everywhere. From Europe, from the tip of South America, all the way to our border and Mexico and in the Caribbean. And different backgrounds, different ethnicities, but all Latinos, we’re gonna get a chance to do that if we win in November,” Biden said Thursday afternoon.

    • “We can build a new administration that reflects the full diversity of our nation. The full diversity of White communities. And when I mean full diversity, unlike the African American community and many other communities, you’re from everywhere. From Sweden, from the tip of Italy, all the way to Poland and Russia and in the Mediterranean. And different backgrounds, different ethnicities, but all White, we’re gonna get a chance to do that if we win in November,” Biden said Thursday afternoon.

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