By Comparison, My Life Has Been Utterly Wasted

Do you have 10 minutes to spare watching a babe with a great deal of musical talent?

I thought you would. Ends kind of abruptly, unfortunately.


Speaking of Vivaldi, I learned the following on a discussion thread about some rediscovered compositions of his (

Beethoven and Brahms had no idea who Vivaldi was, since they lived during a time when his music was lost. There were no “Vivaldi Concerts” in the 19th century.

A quip by Peter Shickele (of P.D.Q. Bach fame) was (not exact quote) “Vivaldi wrote 500 concertos, or the same concerto 500 times.”

The cartoonist Rodriques did a cartoon every month in the Stereo Review lampooning stereophiles (truly worth being lampooned). One of his cartoons showed a sign in a stereo shop that read “Vivaldi Tapes Erased for Free.”


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