Emutional Rescue

IMAO World Headquarters

IMAO World Headquarters

Oppo:  Odds Bodkins! Is this a Digger I see before me?


Who is that nameplate for?

Oppo: Do you mean “For whom is that nameplate?”


Friend of Walrus:  What gives? Asking for a friend.



Keln:  I couldn’t make this meeting.


Emu:  Squawk.



Basil:  Where’d we get the money for a new nameplate?

Walrus {on speakerphone}:   Hello?  Hello? . . .

Frank J.
Frank J.:  I’m in charge.


MINUTES: Resolved: Full salary, benefits, and stock options for emu, with corporate office, transportation, and housing, plus seven company-paid vacations per year.  Proposed, seconded, and passed with one squawk in the affirmative. 


  1. So…Emu gets walruskkkch’s name plate that ironically says EMU. Fine…now where is a name plate for walruskkkch that says WALRUSKKKCH?? Also, what about that tiny chair that’s been assigned to walruskkkch? I see a lawsuit in the making here.

  2. Yay, the Emu is back, baby! Woo hoo! What I am feeling might not be actual joy, but after the desolation that imbrued my soul upon hearing of that magnificent bird’s departure, learning of his return is as a refreshing rain in the Kalihari. Please, in the name of all that is holy, I beseech you through a veil of tears, do not ever let him depart again.

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