Friday Night Open Thread

I love Weird Al.

I find that I often like the Weird Al versions of songs better than the original artist versions. And I’ve found some artists with whom I wasn’t previously familiar though listening to Weird Al songs.

[The YouTube]

Do you have something you’d like to share? A link? A joke? Some words of wisdom? A topic to discuss? It’s our nightly Open Thread, and you have the floor.


  1. Here in Kansas we’re not content to have an incredible stupid governor. No we have to have one who thinks she’s “god”. No lie. I have a picture of her standing in her office wearing a T shirt that says “In Kelly We Trust”. Seriously the left has lost it’s collective business. I really hope she’s translated soon because she’s a danger to herself and everybody in the state.

  2. SAN DIEGO, CA—A polar bear at the San Diego Zoo has apologized to black bears, brown bears, and all other mammals of color for his “problematic whiteness.”

    The bear “got woke” after a leftist protesting the zoo for keeping animals in captivity bravely leaped into the bear’s exhibit. After eating the protester, the polar bear picked up the book on critical race theory the woman had in her pocket and devoured it, first figuratively, then literally.

    “Wow,” he said. “I never realized how problematic my existence was before. I really need to think about this.”

    Shortly after reading the book, the polar bear, whose name is Chad, held a press conference in which he apologized for his many years of not being “woke” to the struggle of non-white animals.

    “I am so sorry for everyone I’ve hurt,” he said. “I am hereby canceling myself. Please listen to black and brown bear voices.” He also announced that he was donating his remaining walruses to minority bears in need. “The overwhelming whiteness of the polar bear community should give us all paws.”

    The bear escaped the zoo, devoured several people, and cast himself into exile on an ice floe for his crimes. ~ The Babylon Bee

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