Moon Porn

Written by D B Dukes:

Moon Porn? Yep, moon porn.

That little Canadian girl that does the Vintage Space channel on YouTube did a video about a prank that the Apollo 15 astronauts, who were also the Apollo 12 backup crew, pulled on the Apollo 12 prime crew.

The backup crew prepared the checklists for the prime crew, and the backups inserted a few things that were, shall we say, unexpected.

Video (2:24)

And, you can see the full unedited checklists for both the moon walkers on NASA’s Website.

The nude ladies aren’t really the reason to look at the checklists, of course — heck, you have the Internet; you can find nekkid ladies anywhere — but it is interesting to see actual checklists and understand what the astronauts had to do while they were standing on the moon. Which is kind of a shame. I mean, really, imagine you’re actually standing on the moon, and instead of being able to just take it all in, you have 24 pages of tasks.

Bonus: at 0:51 in the video, you’ll find that “EMU” gets not only a check-mark next to it on the moon checklist, but a separate tab all to itself as well.


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