Old AF Sarge

Shameless plug:

I was poking around in the area that Basil tries to keep me well out of — the statistics behind this IMAO website.

I saw some reference to this blog: https://oldafsarge.blogspot.com/

Someone from that site had apparently clicked on a link to IMAO, and got here.

Well, of course I was intrigued by the name.

And when I clicked on the link I was further intrigued by the description:

The musings & rants of 3 retired military (2 USAF, 1 USN), 1 former WSO, and 1 AF brat. Old AF Sarge, Juvat, Tuna, LUSH, and Beans.

And when I scrolled down through the writing, I was intrigued by the intrigue.

It’s a very good site, and that is my shameless endorsement. Give it a look!

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