Random Thoughts: Streaming Movies and Kamala Harris

I paid $20 for the Trolls sequel. My three older kids watched it five times in the 48 hours they had, and I felt I got my money’s worth. I don’t see paying $30 for live-action Mulan that should eventually be on that platform for “free.”
For one, there’s just something I plain don’t like about the naked cash-grab of making live-action versions of all their animated movies. Plus, my kids aren’t big Mulan fans.
I would easily pay $30 for early access to Black Widow and probably about any other Marvel movie. Winchester had just been born with Endgame came out, and I would have easily paid $50 to be able to watch that at home.

I was thinking of that silly “We need morality more black and white in video games article”, and from a Christian perspective, morality is black and white.
But all people are gray. There are no clear good guys and bad guys.

I do find it a bit disturbing that so many on the left are focused on the simplistic “We are the good guys and these are the bad guys who need to be defeated.”
And how can they be so blind to what terrible terrible people they are?

I made the original list of Trump’s trustworthy journalists but they took me off the list when they found out I lied about being a journalist.

I don’t know who the cancel culture people are after who are worse than they are.

The line from the Hamilton’s Schuyler Sister’s song “Look around at how lucky we are to be alive right now” always gets me because you can imagine them saying it yet no one says that now despite us having boundless more opportunities and advantages than people back then.
It’s a wondrous time. We’re very lucky to be alive right now. It’s sad so many don’t see it that way, but that’s a problem of perception.

7yo: “She hit me!”
4yo: “Because he pinched me!”
7yo: “You told me to pinch you!”
4yo: “I didn’t want you to pinch me that hard!”
I’m staying out of this one.

So Elena of Avalor in one episode celebrates Hanukkah with a Jewish princess, but she’s in the same universe as Sofia the First who celebrates Wassailia instead of Christmas. So does their universe have Judaism but not Christianity or is Sofia a heathen?
Eh. Whatever. It’s all trash trying to teach little girls that monarchy is good.

I just realized that that Ewok made for TV movie is not available anywhere. I watched it a bunch as a kid but haven’t seen it in decades and was kind of curious to show my kids. Does Disney now have the rights to it?

I realized from watching the Mandalorian doc on Disney+ I’m from the expanded universe generation of Star Wars fans. Return of the Jedi came out when I was four and Phantom Menace when I was in college. Growing up, the only new Star Wars existed in my head (with help of books).
Had a dreams a year before Ep. I was released of finally getting to see a new Star Wars movie in theaters. I just could not believe that what I always wanted since I was a child was actually happening. Don’t think it’s possible for me to ever anticipate something as much as that.
Oh yeah. When Phantom Menace was being announced, that was pre-YouTube. Had to spend like an hour trying to download the whole trailer and maybe a QuickTime update. No wonder kids today scream about dumb things; everything is easy for them and they don’t have any real problems.

The left get upset when businesses don’t share their politics but they should be happy because the left are idiots and their politics are terrible and if a business was dumb enough to be just like them it would probably go bankrupt.

All I know about Ellen DeGeneres is that she never once said a kind word about me.

To end this divisiveness, maybe we should all vow here and now that, no matter who wins, we won’t support the president.

The authoritarian impulse of many young people is pretty scary. Much scarier than whatever bigotry they think they’re fighting.

You have it really hard.
Except compared to 99.99% of people in the past.

I listened to the Superego: Fathom audiobook, and it is awesome. It should be available in the next few weeks, so get your Audible credits ready.
Joel Richards, who narrated the first Superego, is back for the sequel. I remember when I found out the first was becoming an audiobook and got a list from him of all my made up scifi words so I could tell him how to pronounce them. That was surreal.
I hate making up scifi words. It’s my least favorite part of science fiction writing. My first draft is always filled with a bunch of brackets where I later have to make up some word or name to go there.

The NRA isn’t the right to bear arms.
The 2nd Amendment isn’t even the right to bear arms.
It’s an inalienable right that exists no matter what though it can be infringed through the use of force.

When kids are failed by their parents, you can’t make that up with better schools. You can’t even come close. Many will rise above that situation, but it’s a huge handicap.

Little Winchester just did his first proper point. I kissed him on the head while he was in his highchair and saw him pointing at my shirt (it has Baby Yoda on it).

The most privileged people in this country are the ones who believe their rent should be free.

If you want to control who has guns, you’ll need a lot of guns.

It’s some nitwit fantasy that you can just throw around money and stop crime. To stop crime, you must dress up as a bat and punch poor people until they’re too scared to do crime.

Senators are pretty old. Only 5 current Senators weren’t born yet when Biden first entered the Senate in January 1973.
I’m still younger than every single Senator. That’s kind of nice. This was the first presidential campaign a major candidate was younger than me (Buttigieg).

You don’t deserve to pay rent. You deserve to live in a hole in the mud-covered by a few leaves feebly trying to protect you from the elements.
I just can’t understand people seeing all the luxuries and advantages afforded by the modern world and their reaction is “I deserve to get this for free!” No, you don’t even deserve the opportunity to pay for it. That’s life being unfair to your advantage.

If I had to pick the one major problem with society today, it’s whining. The second major problem: Being a bunch of sissies.

Fear the people who pretend not to see the difference between China and the U.S. because what they’re doing is setting up excuses for the horrible authoritarian things they want to do.

Lately satire has just been trying to figure out next week’s news.

If you spend any time worrying about billionaires, you’re an overly privileged idiot.
My advice: If you really have no actual problems of your own to work on, instead of inventing problems to get all worked up about, go help other people who do have real problems.

If you’re having drift problems I feel bad for you son
I got ninety-nine problems but a Switch ain’t one

I keep saying one of these days I’m going to look up what in the world QAnon is, but it just seems more fun not to know.

The Back to the Future movies really hold up. The kids loved them as just fun adventure stories. All it takes is a bit of explaining about the 80s.

If the left really believed climate change was going to end the world, it would be the only issue they ever talked about. Instead, they constantly chase after every cultural war squirrel communicating that climate change to them is just one partisan issue among many.

“Hands up, don’t shoot” is the “Play it again, Sam”/“Beam me up, Scotty” of civil rights chants.

Everyone who loots something should pretend that ten times the value of what they just took went toward the reelect Trump campaign.
Of course, if some are Trump supporters, that’s like a double win.

My recent experience with the USPS is I set up a mail hold online that was supposed to end last Tuesday and since then I’ve gotten my mail delivered once and still haven’t gotten the mail they were supposed to hold.

In these uncertain times, buy my books.

Now that the absolute smartest people on the left have exposed Ben Shapiro as the leader of antifa — just as QAnon said — I think it’s time to look at the leadership of BLM. That really feels like it has Charlie Kirk’s fingerprints all over it.

When you have to go back decades to find an example of something you want to prove about a person, that actually hurts your case.

Men think masks make them look weak? Doesn’t everyone agree that in the original Ninja Turtles animated series that Shredder looked really lame without his mask?

31 years later
More like Turner & POOCH!

A sickness of modern society is placing an almost religious significance on fulfilling one’s lusts, even going so far as to commit human sacrifice to the cause.

One of the big draws of the far left is being able to be horrible and hateful toward people and be praised as righteous while doing so. And thus the far left is being filled up with the sort of people attracted to such a prospect.

It’s good there’s finally going to be some new next-gen consoles. I really want to pay $500 for imperceptibly better graphics. I bet if I hold a magnifying glass up to the TV screen, I’ll really see the difference.

I have trouble believing even John Kasich likes John Kasich.

The far left may screech, but it will probably help Biden to make his running mate a merciless cop.

I guess the first question for Kamala Harris is does she still think Biden is a racist who committed sexual assault.

I mean, she can go “Yeah, but he’s still better than Trump.”
But I assume she’ll give an answer that’s much more weasely.

Kinda annoyed by both people acting excited about Kamala Harris and those acting like she’s some particular threat to the republic. She’s just a regular terrible politician who shouldn’t have any power over anyone, but unfortunately, that doesn’t make her exceptional.

I’ve never conserved conservatism, but it seems like that would involve something other than pretending everything the Democrats and the left do is awesome.
I mean, it seems like there should be at least one thing that significantly distinguishes you from a mindlessly partisan Democrat, but what do I know?

Man, first presidential debate isn’t until end of September, and that’s only part of this thing I’m still looking forward to.

I still don’t care about the VP debate.

I’m guessing we’ll get some explainers on what happens if the president-elect dies before inauguration.

I’d think I’d rather a horrible person be grudgingly tolerated than to once again see people trip over themselves to lionize an aggressively mediocre person.


  1. I made the original list of Trump’s trustworthy journalists but they took me off the list when they found out I lied about being a journalist.

    99% of “journalists” lie as well.

  2. The most privileged people in this country are the ones who believe their rent should be free.

    What kind of parents do these kids have, charging them rent to live in their basement like that.

  3. One of the big draws of the far left is being able to be horrible and hateful toward people and be praised as righteous while doing so. And thus the far left is being filled up with the sort of people attracted to such a prospect.

    Hey, Nazis don’t make themselves yaknow.

  4. Shredder looked like a Bad-A all the time. Especially in that first live action movie when he takes off his mask, or when he takes off his cape for the big fight. I would love to have a legit Shredder outfit.

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